I don’t think you remember me as well as I remember us
– Sapan Saxena
Related Quotes:
- If the intent is right, why waste time thinking about the consequences. – Sapan Saxena
- Think of it, I literally had to touch death and be born again to live a glimpse of the life that I never had. – Sapan Saxena
- I am such a classic fool, aren’t I?- -œNo, not a fool. Just in love,- -œIt’s all the same.--œNo, it’s not. – Sapan Saxena
- I want a long life, measured not in days and years but the moments that we spent together – Sapan Saxena
- Only if the human mind had a Garbage Collector.But then, do we know what references we still hold on? – Sapan Saxena
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- When has life listened to anyone?It goes on at its own pace…Limping, when we wish it should run,And when calm desired, sprinting as in a race-¦ – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- Close your eyes for a whileThe image that conjures is your soulmate Don’t pause, rush and say what you feelAfter all time and tide for none wait-¦ – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- Discarded lay all the dreamsIn the bin of unwanted thingsTill you came and set them freeAnd, to soar, gave them wings-¦ – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- Yesterday night gave birthTo a song, spirited and sprightly;It made my soul sparkle too,And since then, I have been oh so lively! – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- Hold my hands O Lord!Teach me to walk once againMy mind is covered with clouds darkAnd my soul wriggles in pain! – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- Where all lines and rays convergeWhere no one can travel furtherOne finds the abode of the soulAnd here, all routes one can augur – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- Blessed are they who can carryA smile on their faceThey are ones who have foundInner peace in life’s mace – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- It’s literature that provides solace to hearts wounded by man made divisions of religion, race, cl???, gender and class… – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- The songs of separation Are not always full of painOften they talk of the fondnessThat flows in the lovers’ veins-¦ – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- Sometimes you literally need some pressure on your shoulder, to fetch the best in you… – Shivam Saxena
- Even ripples have a rhythmTo feel it, listen to their soundTap your feet as they directAnd joy shall abound-¦ – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- Before the tears of the eyes dry outLet them sprinkle words on the paper Life is short and the man shall dieBut the words shall live on forever… – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- My best trip is yet to come. – Tushar Saxena
- Lips half open,Words unsaid; And yet He understandsThe puzzles of life’s threads! – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- In this city of loveYour memories tinkle like an anklet My heart rhymes melodies to its tune And affection shines like a droplet – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- In your Mind you live with thousands characters. – Tushar Saxena
- In your Mind you live with n number of characters – Tushar Saxena
- In the memories we Survive – Tushar Saxena
- Far from the maddening crowds,Love leaves a trail;If you take my name, I shall comeLeaving behind all my veils! – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- Seeing the skylines The heart becomes pensive and still; Mammoth is the world,Our existence-¦almost nil! – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- I have reached this destinationAfter walking through miles and miles;See also my bruised feet,Don’t always go after my smiles-¦ – Neelam Saxena Chandra
- Those who hurt, Screw up, if you are lucky Demons will let you watch. – Tushar Saxena
- Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists. – Franklin D Roosevelt
- Remember to remember: sometimes your adversary is your biggest asset. Where would David be without Goliath? Jesus without Judas? – Brandi L Bates
- Different people remember things differently, and you’ll not get any two people to remember anything the same, whether they were there or not. – Neil Gaiman
- I can’t remember what I really felt. Maybe nothing happened, maybe these emotions I remember are not the right emotions. – Margaret Atwood
- Memory’s got nothing to do with years. You remember what you remember. – Ian McEwan
- And the moral of the story is that you don’t remember what happened. What you remember becomes what happened. – John Green
- But I do not actually remember being a monster. I just remember wanting my own way. – Neil Gaiman
- For how can you remember the feel of pleasure or pain or choking emotion? You can remember only that you had them. – John Steinbeck
- We never actively remember death,’ Odenigbo said. The reason we live as we do is because we do not remember that we will die. We will all die. – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie