We’re capable of much more than mediocrity, much more than merely getting by in this world.
– Sharon Salzberg
Related Quotes:
- the apostles of mediocrity shall always stand to defend mediocrity out of mediocrity – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
- Setting the intention to practice kindness toward one’s partner or family members or friends does not preclude getting angry or upset. – Sharon Salzberg
- If we have nothing material to give, we can offer our attention, our energy, our appreciation. The world needs us. It doesn’t deplete us to give. – Sharon Salzberg
- In order to do anything about the suffering of the world we must have the strength to face it without turning away. – Sharon Salzberg
- When we believe a wounding story, our whole world is diminished. – Sharon Salzberg
- The gentleman does not promote people merely on the basis of their words, nor does he reject words merely because of the person who uttered them. – Confucius
- When we pay attention to sensations in our bodies, we can feel that love is the energetic opposite of fear. – Sharon Salzberg
- Love seems to open and expand us right down to the cellular level, while fear causes us to contract and withdraw into ourselves. – Sharon Salzberg
- We begin to cultivate real love for ourselves when we treat ourselves with compassion. – Sharon Salzberg
- Healing comes in many ways, and no one formula fits all. – Sharon Salzberg
- Letting go is an inside job, something only we can do for ourselves. – Sharon Salzberg
- Taking responsibility for oneself is by definition an act of kindness. – Sharon Salzberg
- There is no conflict between loving others deeply and living mindfully. – Sharon Salzberg
- Love is defined by difficult acts of human compassion & generosity. – Sharon Salzberg
- Love simply, perpetually exists and that it’s a matter of psychic housekeeping to make room for it. – Sharon Salzberg
- Though it may sound paradoxical, identifying our thoughts, emotions, and habitual patterns of behavior is the key to freedom & transformation. – Sharon Salzberg
- To relinquish the futile effort to control change is one of the strengthening forces of true detachment & thus true love. – Sharon Salzberg
- With attachment all that seems to exist is just me & that object I desire. – Sharon Salzberg
- The journey to loving ourselves doesn’t mean we like everything. – Sharon Salzberg
- When we direct a lot of hostile energy toward the inner critic, we enter into a losing battle. – Sharon Salzberg
- Causing harm is never just a one-way street. – Sharon Salzberg
- When we do our best to treat others with kindness, it’s often a struggle to determine which actions best express our love and care for ourselves. – Sharon Salzberg
- When we feel conflicted about a particular decision or action, our bodies often hold the answer-”if we take the time to stop and tune in. – Sharon Salzberg
- There is so much we just can’t see or know right now, including precisely how our actions will ripple out. – Sharon Salzberg
- When we don’t allow setbacks to defeat us, they become opportunities for learning, acceptance, flexibility, and patience. – Sharon Salzberg
- Meditation trains the mind the way physical exercise strengthens the body. – Sharon Salzberg
- Vulnerability in the face of constant change is what we share, whatever our present condition. – Sharon Salzberg
- Grief helps us to relinquish the illusion that the past could be different from what it was. – Sharon Salzberg
- We find greater lightness & ease in our lives as we increasingly care for ourselves & other beings. – Sharon Salzberg
- Once someone appears to us primarily as an object, kindness has no place to root. – Sharon Salzberg
- The embodiment of kindness is often made difficult by our long ingrained patternsof fear & jealousy. – Sharon Salzberg
- Mindfulness helps us to set boundaries by revealing what makes us unhappy & what brings us peace. – Sharon Salzberg
- To sense which gifts to accept & which to leave behind is our path to discovering freedom. – Sharon Salzberg
- The key to cultivating confidence in ourselves is understanding our right to make the truth our own. – Sharon Salzberg
- Self-love is an unfolding process that gains strength over time, not a goal with a fixed end point. – Sharon Salzberg
- We truly can reconfigure how we see ourselves and reclaim the love for ourselves that we’re innately capable of. – Sharon Salzberg
- Anger often makes us hurt ourselves more than any enemy. – Sharon Salzberg
- Our vision becomes very narrow when we need things to be a certain way and cannot accept things the way they actually are. – Sharon Salzberg
- As a friend of mine told me about Real Happiness: you wrote this one in American. – Sharon Salzberg
- Fearful of wasting a second, we hoard time as if it were money. – Sharon Salzberg