To imagine the way we think is the singular causative agent of all we go through is to practice cruelty toward ourselves.
– Sharon Salzberg
Related Quotes:
- Setting the intention to practice kindness toward one’s partner or family members or friends does not preclude getting angry or upset. – Sharon Salzberg
- Mindfulness is the agent of our freedom. Through mindfulness we arrive at faith we grow in wisdom & we attain equanimity. – Sharon Salzberg
- With the practice of meditation we can develop this ability to more fully love ourselves and to more consistently love others. – Sharon Salzberg
- We begin to cultivate real love for ourselves when we treat ourselves with compassion. – Sharon Salzberg
- We can free ourselves from the old stories that have reduced us & allow real love for ourselves to blossom. – Sharon Salzberg
- We truly can reconfigure how we see ourselves and reclaim the love for ourselves that we’re innately capable of. – Sharon Salzberg
- When we direct a lot of hostile energy toward the inner critic, we enter into a losing battle. – Sharon Salzberg
- The first step toward feeling compassion for others is to set the intention to try it out. – Sharon Salzberg
- Accountable Authentic Collaborative Courageous Passionate Lifelong learner Welcomes feedback Biased toward action Solution oriented Change agent – Susan Scott
- Loving kindness is the practice of offering to oneself and others wishes to be happy, peaceful, healthy, strong – Sharon Salzberg
- When we practice metta, we open continuously to the truth of our actual experience, changing our relationship to life. – Sharon Salzberg
- Our practice rather than being about killing the ego is about simply discovering our true nature. – Sharon Salzberg
- The practice of loving-kindness is about cultivating love as a trans-formative strength, – Sharon Salzberg
- Meditation is a microcosm, a model, a mirror. The skills we practice when we sit are transferable to the rest of our lives. – Sharon Salzberg
- The more we practice mindfulness, the more alert we become to the cost of keeping secrets. – Sharon Salzberg
- Mindfulness practice helps create space between our actual experiences and the reflexive stories we tend to tell about them. – Sharon Salzberg
- Forgiveness is a process, an admittedly difficult one that often can feel like a rigorous spiritual practice. – Sharon Salzberg
- Thinking we are only supposed to have loving & compassionate feelings can be a terrible obstacle to spiritual practice. – Sharon Salzberg
- Pain & suffering requires time, awareness, and an intentional practice of self-love to disentangle. – Sharon Salzberg
- Pain & suffering requires time, awareness, and an intentional practice of self-love to disentangle. – Sharon Salzberg
- The overarching practice of letting go is also one of gaining resilience and insight. – Sharon Salzberg
- You cannot harden your heart to the future just because of your past. You cannot use cruelty against yourself to justify cruelty to others. – Marie Lu
- Killing a cruelty is not a cruelty. – Amit Kalantri
- Is cruelty still cruel if it is necessary? Is cruelty still cruel if it is part of a lie? – Johnny Rich
- Cruelty would be delicious if one could only find some sort of cruelty that didn’t really hurt. – George Bernard Shaw
- Cruelty would be delicious if one could only find some sort of cruelty that didn’t really hurt. – George Bernard Shaw
- Practice silence, practice patience, practice to love every existence, peace will be there. – Debasish Mridha
- When it comes to recognizing your greatness, start first within your mind. Start now, in this moment. Imagine, imagine, imagine and then believe! – Julieanne OConnor
- When we practice self-compassion in our lives, we are compelled to be more understanding and accepting toward ourselves. – Jose Incer
- Love seems to open and expand us right down to the cellular level, while fear causes us to contract and withdraw into ourselves. – Sharon Salzberg
- A lack of real love for ourselves is one of the most constricting, painful conditions we can know. – Sharon Salzberg
- Letting go is an inside job, something only we can do for ourselves. – Sharon Salzberg
- If we truly loved ourselves, we’d never harm another. That is a truly revolutionary, celebratory mode of self-care. – Sharon Salzberg
- The journey to loving ourselves doesn’t mean we like everything. – Sharon Salzberg
- When we relate to ourselves with loving kindness, perfectionism naturally drops away. – Sharon Salzberg
- When we do our best to treat others with kindness, it’s often a struggle to determine which actions best express our love and care for ourselves. – Sharon Salzberg
- If we define ourselves by each of the ever-changing feelings that cascade through us, how will we ever feel at home in our own bodies and minds? – Sharon Salzberg
- We find greater lightness & ease in our lives as we increasingly care for ourselves & other beings. – Sharon Salzberg
- The key to cultivating confidence in ourselves is understanding our right to make the truth our own. – Sharon Salzberg
- Anger often makes us hurt ourselves more than any enemy. – Sharon Salzberg