red is for fire red is for love too it lies in our hand what we wanna choose…
– shivangi lavaniya
Related Quotes:
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- What you were and what you are now… it’s nothing… everything just lies in between… – shivangi lavaniya
- who says love is better than hate. i feel both gives equivalent pain. – shivangi lavaniya
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- beauty pertains with everyone. It’s just the perception that defines the differences. – shivangi lavaniya
- your beauty always overpower everything that is anything less… – shivangi lavaniya
- nature can offer you the biggest gifts only if you are ready to accept. – shivangi lavaniya
- pain is pondering about past and wishing to relive those moments even after knowing it’s impossible. – shivangi lavaniya
- the more a person smiles… the more is the pain he resides… – shivangi lavaniya
- and when i look at prime minister mrnarendra modi .i realize nothing in this world isunachievable.if you have the will you will yourselfmake the way. – shivangi lavaniya
- Photography is not about costly cameras’. It’s about your huge passion and little interest in innovation. – shivangi lavaniya
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- nDear smokers, when you burn one stick you not only burnrelationships but also burn your one and only life. – shivangi lavaniya
- instead of becoming a doctor or an engineer… i chose to be me… a writer 🙂 – shivangi lavaniya
- We don’t forget… we remember… but later it becomes so faded and light in our memory that it no longer holds power to influence us anyway… – shivangi lavaniya
- i have a hurricane of thoughts thatsimply evolves within me andbewilder my inner soul . – shivangi lavaniya
- implementation of thoughts is attainedby few and so is success – shivangi lavaniya
- Hence the migratory bird was about to leave then the other bird just querked and weeped – shivangi lavaniya
- obsession either boosts up feeling or just blow iy off… – shivangi lavaniya
- our earth is the most beautiful mother 🙂 – shivangi lavaniya
- her smile was as beautiful as the only star in a dark night… – shivangi lavaniya
- Sometimes what we think is good for others… might be destructive for them… you never know – shivangi lavaniya
- There’s one best thing about childhood our genuine smile… – shivangi lavaniya
- Then one day a thought clicked my mind… and even theweirdest event in the past start Making complete sense… – shivangi lavaniya
- and when his lips touched mine forthe very first time . . . i knew he is theone – shivangi lavaniya
- irony is for a traveler while traveling, happiness increases as the distance increases. – shivangi lavaniya
- I take your name whenever i give example of perfection… – shivangi lavaniya
- Work so hard that even hard worksays damn he is tougherthan me 🙂 – shivangi lavaniya
- Respect the hand stronger than your hand if and only if that hand is just and an honourable hand! – Mehmet Murat ildan
- Your strength lies in knowledge, your power lies in wisdom, your treasure lies in understanding, and your wealth lies in life. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- I don’t wanna change the world,I just wanna leave it colder..Light the fuse and burn it up,Take the path that leads to nowhere.. – Breaking Benjamin
- I wanna explore your body. I wanna kiss my way up and down it all night long. – Collette West
- I don’t wanna be a lover,I just wanna be your victim. – Elvis Costello
- We almost made love with fire, fire in our eyes, fire in our souls, and even in our bones. – Tamara Stamenkovic
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- If you answer fire with fire, only the fire will be the winner.Si al fuego se le contesta con fuego, sólo el fuego vencerá. #quote – Juan Luis Ortiz Hidalgo
- Fire does transform, but the fire within is always better than fire beneath! – Harrish Sairaman