The heart provides the intuitive desires, for the mind to focus upon then achieve them.
– Steven Redhead
Related Quotes:
- God puts desires into your heart. His desires will actually become your desires, and your desires will be His. – Elizabeth George
- Focus your intuitive thoughts to identify what is truly worth pursuing. – Steven Redhead
- Don’t let your mind drown out your intuitive voice, train your subconscious to be positive by using the heart intelligence. – Steven Redhead
- A choice to listen to the chaos your mind creates or the whispers of intuitive wisdom from the heart. – Steven Redhead
- The choice is to listen to the chaos your mind creates or the intuitive wisdom from the heart. – Steven Redhead
- Art lives upon discussion, upon experiment, upon curiosity, upon variety of attempt, upon the exchange of views and the comparison of standpoints. – Henry James
- Change your life by following the desires of your heart, aiming to achieve your true bliss; creating your own part of heaven here on earth. – Steven Redhead
- Art is a product of the intuitive-”the most powerful instrument within us. The intuitive is the most accurate sense we have. – Louis I Kahn
- Bring your reality to life by mining the intuitive abilities of your heart. – Steven Redhead
- Tune in to the intuitive messages emanating from your heart. They are the essence of who you are and who you wish to become. – Steven Redhead
- Tune in to the intuitive and creative abilities of the heart. They are the essence of who you are and who you wish to become. – Steven Redhead
- The best way to achieve a wonderful life is to have wonderful desires. – Steven Redhead
- When you focus, you can achieve anything. If you have no focus, you will achieve nothing. – David Clark
- Be a visionary, focused upon your ability to create your desires within your reality. – Steven Redhead
- You build your reality from the desires and thoughts that you focused upon. – Steven Redhead
- Capture the essence of your aspirations by understand the true meaning of your intuitive thoughts. – Steven Redhead
- Capture the essence of your aspirations by understand the true meaning of your intuitive thoughts. – Steven Redhead
- Life is an accumulation of what your Heart and mind has pondered most, a conclusion of all you wishes, dreams and desires. – Steven Redhead
- The mind is wired by society, the heart is wired by your deepest desires for a blissful life. – Steven Redhead
- Learn to combine the Power of The Heart and mind into one force to create your desires. – Steven Redhead
- The Heart & Mind when in unison is the most powerful creative state for bringing your desires alive within your reality. – Steven Redhead
- Failure results from broken focus, and an average person with complete unwavering focus can achieve more than a team of geniuses with broken focus. – Mensah Oteh
- Bring your heart power into play to create the things that you wish in your life through energising your desires with your heart energy. – Steven Redhead
- Achieve balance through the combined conscious states of the heart and mind. – Steven Redhead
- What you focus upon will always tend to rule what is experienced. – Steven Redhead
- What you focus upon will always tend to rule what is experienced. – Steven Redhead
- Desires kept within the mind are simply unrealised dreams. – Steven Redhead
- In life you have the freedom to pursue whatever your heart desires. – Steven Redhead
- The heart is the window to the soul, the portal through which we can understand the desires of the spirit. – Steven Redhead
- Energise your desires utilising your heart energy to create the things that you wish for in your life. – Steven Redhead
- A closed heart is the most self limiting factor in life. Start to listen to your heartfelt desires. – Steven Redhead
- Set your desires in motion by connecting to the heart conscious. – Steven Redhead
- Turning your heart’s desires into actions is what counts most. – Steven Redhead
- Achieving your heart’s desires is the key to living a life of bliss. – Steven Redhead
- Focus your heart-felt intuition onto things that really matter to you. – Steven Redhead
- We know how to work hard. We know how to go for the goal. We know how to achieve, achieve, achieve but we don’t know how to enjoy the journey. – Suzette R Hinton
- True freedom is the choice to create the desires one believes in. – Steven Redhead
- The cost of freedom is being strong enough to find the implement your own desires. – Steven Redhead
- Situations spin out of control because care was not taken to carefully manage reality through desires. – Steven Redhead
- Change is the most beneficial power available to you, simply change the things you don’t like, replacing them with your true desires. – Steven Redhead