You’d be surprised how expensive it costs to look this cheap.
– Steven Tyler
Related Quotes:
- These are Tyler’s words coming out of my mouth. I am Tyler’s mouth. I am Tyler’s hands. – Chuck Palahniuk
- Always count the costs before starting any journey, and never take a step without finding its costs. – AuliqIce
- Education costs an arm and a leg, but ignorance costs you your mind and your soul. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- One who trusts God at all costs will be rewarded at all costs. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- It costs a lot more than your life. To murder innocent people? It costs everything you are. – Suzanne Collins
- Freedom is an expensive gift always worth fighting for. Even if it costs us! – Marck E Estemil
- Anything that just costs money is cheap. – John Steinbeck
- Training, Books, Learning is all expensive. Being stupid though is still much more expensive. – Ziad K Abdelnour
- Eating healthy is expensive. Not eating healthy is expensive. One dents your pocket. The other dents your health. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana
- Cheap food always requires expensive treatment. – Patience Johnson
- People say you have expensive tastes.My Humble reply : I appreciate fine art, and fine art is not cheap. – Pushkar Saraf
- Most Religions are Social Clubs with expensive Entertainment Cheap Wine and Stale Crackers – Stanley Victor Paskavich
- Thoughts are free, talk is cheap, and action is expensive. What’s your worth? – Noel DeJesus
- Talk is cheap, action is expensive. – Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
- Honesty is a very expensive gift, Don’t expect it from cheap people. – Warren Buffett
- Don’t be surprised by your greatness. Be surprised that no one expected it. – Rebecca Maizel
- You’re surprised at all the blood.He looks over at you, eyes wide, mouth dropping open, his face almost as white as his shirt.He’s surprised, too. – Charles Benoit
- Whatever comes to you in a cheap way will vanish in a cheap way. Be patient and earn it the hard way. – Israelmore Ayivor
- Sometimes cheap is inexpensive. Sometimes it’s cheap. – Charles Fishman
- Sorry dear, i prefer cheap products not cheap people. – Lovely Goyal
- Organisms are selected to deploy violence only in circumstances where the expected benefits outweigh the expected costs. – Steven Pinker
- If you fill the atmosphere with toxins, then you really cannot be surprised if the solar radiation transmission through it becomes toxic to humans. – Steven Magee
- Songwriting is a bitch. And then it has puppies – Steven Tyler
- The past is gone. It went by like dusk to dawn. – Steven Tyler
- Seems like the light at the end of the tunnel may be you. – Steven Tyler
- One of the most difficult things in the world is to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money. – EW Howe
- When you enjoy the little beauties in and around you, it costs you nothing. – Debasish Mridha
- Loving yourself costs nothing, but not loving yourself could cost you everything. – BD Jordan
- Money often costs too much – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- To persist with a goal, you must treasure the dream more than the costs of sacrifice to attain it. – Richelle E Goodrich
- I feel obligated to tell you that adventures are, on a whole, stunningly bad ideas, best avoided at all costs. – Michael McClung
- It is a costly because it costs a man his life, and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life. – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Act. Procrastination costs money. – Farshad Asl
- Every time government attempts to handle our affairs, it costs more and the results are worse than if we had handled them ourselves. – Benjamin Constant
- If the lifestyle choices outlined in this book were uniformly adopted, the savings in suffering and health care costs would be tremendous. – Tim Loy
- It costs about the same to house a maximum-security young adult prisoner for a year as it does to send his law-abiding counterpart to Harvard. – Robert Martensen
- Pride costs nothing, yet it is especially precious when it can be -œpurchased- at someone else’s expense. – Andrew Levkoff
- In a world of pushing, shoving, striving to get ahead at all costs people; to those who knew him well, John Mann was a breath of fresh air. – Matt Micros
- Real worship costs. – Rick Warren
- Employing yourself costs less than employing someone else but more than working. The marginal cost/revenue of education. – Mark Sherman Smeester