Light means knowledge in the Greek language it can also be translated as illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding and wisdom
– Sunday Adelaja
Related Quotes:
- Whenever God wants to intervene in the affairs of the earth, he intervenes through light, illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding, wisdom – Sunday Adelaja
- God himself is referring to Jesus as light, illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding, wisdom – Sunday Adelaja
- Jesus himself refers to himself as light, illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding, wisdom – Sunday Adelaja
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- Understanding requires insight. Insight must be anchored. – Brian Greene
- Understanding is to knowledge what the flesh is to the body. Insight is to wisdom what life is to the soul. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- Light in Greek is the same thing as knowledge which is the opposite of ignorance. – Sunday Adelaja
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- Before knowledge comes understanding, before understanding comes wisdom. – Steven Chopade
- Music is the language of the heart, the language of the soul, the language of nature and the language of the universe. – Debasish Mridha
- Micro: Letters create words. Words create language. Language, we are told, permits knowledge & expression. Language is what we are. Are we jailed? – Anthony North
- Insight is the deep intuitive understanding of things, and it often breaks through the conventional wisdom. – Pearl Zhu
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- My love translated sounds like a dead language. – Salma Deera
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- Dialogue with the self is the source of all insight and insight is the only thing that can change your life. – Oli Anderson
- Wisdom is better than knowledge, for wisdom is simple but knowledge is complex. – Debasish Mridha
- Dreams are reality for the subconscious mind, but wisdom is the perception of knowledge. Wisdom is the internalization of knowledge. – Debasish Mridha
- Information is not knowledge.Knowledge is not wisdom.Wisdom is not truth.Truth is not beauty.Beauty is not love.Love is not music.Music is THE BEST. – Frank Zappa
- Knowledge is abundant but wisdom is rare. Knowledge might be dangerous but wisdom is fair. – Debasish Mridha
- Devi-Mahatmayam has special meaning for spirituality, With illumination, wisdom, strength – to freedom finally!- 150 – – Munindra Misra
- He exuded wisdom-even the wisest…were pale, flickering candles next to the nourishing solar illumination of [his] insights. – Aprilynne Pike
- Wisdom and understanding is the power to bring light to darkness – Sunday Adelaja
- People who truly serve God embrace light, they fall in love with light, and they proclaim light, they fight with light. – Sunday Adelaja
- The word animal is a derivative of the Greek word anima, which also means soul. – Gunther Hauk
- Without understanding, there is no life. Either you act, out of understanding or act to develop understanding out of it. – Roshan Sharma
- Grace is darkness and light, peacefully co-existing, as illumination. – Jaeda DeWalt
- I am the brightest light beaming from the darkest depths. A dichotomy, i am . . . illumination. – Jaeda DeWalt
- Lailah, always remember that you are light that bring illumination to many people across the world. – Lailah Gifty Akita
- The light obtained by setting straw men on fire is not what we mean by illumination. – Adam Gopnik
- One needs to properly possess only a couple of great thoughts–they shed light on many stretches whose illumination one would never have believed in. – Georg Simmel
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- All women speak two languages:-¨the language of men-¨and the language of silent suffering.-¨ Some women speak a third,-¨the language of queens. – Mohja Kahf
- Language comes first. It’s not that language grows out of consciousness, if you haven’t got language, you can’t be conscious. – Alan Moore
- The German language is so sonorous, isn’t it? Beautiful language…the language of poetry. Angry, angry poetry. – John Oliver
- Knowledge is the path, understanding is the way, wisdom is the highway, and enlightenment is the destination. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- Understanding is important for studying,knowledge is important for teaching,and wisdom is important for living. – Matshona Dhliwayo