Churches are no more relevant because they haven’t balanced there teachings.
– Sunday Adelaja
Related Quotes:
- We want to be relevant . . . However, the more relevant we become to a sin-dominated world, the more irrelevant we actually are to God. – Billy Graham
- You must add value to yourself to be relevant – Sunday Adelaja
- To be relevant, you need to be purposeful – Sunday Adelaja
- You have to be competitive to be relevant – Sunday Adelaja
- To be relevant, you must seek knowledge. – Sunday Adelaja
- Always feel obligated to help people and carter for more needs of people so as to be more relevant to the world – Sunday Adelaja
- The basic structure of the universe is balanced on a razor’s edge for life to exist – Sunday Adelaja
- The products your life must have could be in the form of books you’ve read or teachings you listen to via audio or video. – Sunday Adelaja
- Let’s downplay the teachings on miracles and teach the values of hard work and diligence. – Sunday Adelaja
- The basic teachings of the Protestants were all surrounding values, ethics and morals – Sunday Adelaja
- Personal destiny is discovered through teachings – Sunday Adelaja
- The Protestants teachings affected the view of the populace to work – Sunday Adelaja
- Life in the Kingdom of God is accepting and knowing Jesus Christ, it is studying and applyingHis teachings to your life. – Sunday Adelaja
- The doctrines that have been preached in our churches in Africa and globally has not been helpful for believers to dominate the earth. – Sunday Adelaja
- Representatives of the churches should help guide people in resolving their crisis – Sunday Adelaja
- The churches should be responsible for the faulty value system we now see in our society. – Sunday Adelaja
- Churches should teach people on our to value eternal virtues. – Sunday Adelaja
- The balance message is that churches are to teach people the miracle workers themselves. – Sunday Adelaja
- The IMPOSSIBLE is ONLY relevant to those who NEVER attempt it-¦otherwise it is ABSTACT and MEANINGLESS – John Paul Warren
- As artists, it is our job to question the rules and ask if they are relevant or outdated, necessary or arbitrary, helpful or oppressive. – Teresa R Funke
- All that helter-skelter about strings and memories was only relevant in the dark. It was light out now and time to put away childish things. – Benjamin Brindise
- But forever was a useless term, relevant only for the dead. – K Martin Beckner
- But forever was a useless term, relevant only for the dead. – K Martin Beckner
- It is a truism but it is still true that the longer one knows people the less relevant it becomes whether or not one liked them initially. – Julian Fellowes
- Scout out competitors’ websites. Everything your competitors think is important or relevant usually exists on their website. – John Manning
- When you’re in the safety of the future, the past doesn’t seem so relevant. – SA Tawks
- In this age, you must be relentlessly remarkable to stay relevant, if not you will be relegated. – Bernard Kelvin Clive
- It is still relevant today to project a confident image through good body posture. – Cindy Ann Peterson
- I ‘OWN’ some part of the evolution…I want to make my SHARE ‘relevant’ ‘meaningful’ and ‘miraculous’!! – Abha Maryada Banerjee
- Habits of action cultivated early in life lay the foundation for unique skill sets able to carve a path beyond the mundane and into the relevant. – Marian Deegan
- The answer is not relevant to the knowledge of an inquiring mind. – Even Engesland
- Our children need to see that faith matters, that it’s relevant to our daily situations, that it’s real. – Michelle Anthony
- The moon is too old, the flower is too old;even the sunset is not enough. The only relevant metaphor for you is your mirror image. – Amit Kalantri
- Christ has not called us to be popular, but to be faithful. We are not saved to be relevant to the crowds; we are saved to reflect Christ. – Dillon Burroughs
- Age is a funny thing. So are appearances. Neither is relevant to what one knows, in my opinion. – Darren T Patrick
- When there is faith, the world is balanced. – Osama Sarwar
- When there faith, the world is balanced. – Osama Sarwar
- Teaching our children to live a quiet, sane, and balanced life is one of the most important parental tasks of our day. – Brent L Top
- …ambition or contentment? This simple question led me back to a more balanced view of life and put me in touch with the Me I used to know… – John Geddes
- A balanced dieT to make you die with a tea, consists of holding two bags of cookies on each hand and a voracious hunger to consume. – Ana Claudia Antunes