Time is the greatest wealth in the world and only through conversion of time can money be made.
– Sunday Adelaja
Related Quotes:
- Wealth in money, mineral resources are not the real wealth. The true wealth of nation is the character of her people. – Sunday Adelaja
- Conversion is not a single prayer. Conversion is pilgrimage. – Diana Butler B
- Conversion, constant conversion, is the message of the Gospel. – Megan McKenna
- The greatest wealth in the world is the wealth of time. – Sunday Adelaja
- Conversion is the key to maintaining wealth – Sunday Adelaja
- The wealth of time is greater than the wealth of money – Sunday Adelaja
- To have wealth does not mean you love money, you can love money and not even have a cent – Sunday Adelaja
- To make wealth wisdom, one needs to be wise. Wisdom may be able to wear the suit of wealth but wealth may not be able to wear the suit of wisdom – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
- People do not become world’s richest men by praying but by time conversion into products. – Sunday Adelaja
- Money, money, money! I think about money morning, noon and night! I dare say it’s mercenary of me, but there it is – Agatha Christie
- Money is a by-product of time. Money is the time that is well converted. Therefore, time is the raw material from which money is made. – Sunday Adelaja
- The desire of most people on earth is to make money and money seems to be the greatest motivation in life for a lot of people. – Sunday Adelaja
- We are all endowed with the wealth of time equally. Everybody that is born on the surface of this earth, has this wealth. – Sunday Adelaja
- The only wealth every human comes to the earth with is the wealth of time. – Sunday Adelaja
- The wealth of time is the only wealth that is more valuable than human resources. – Sunday Adelaja
- God only gives men power to make wealth, meaning God does not give wealth, he gives the power to work for it. (Deut. 8:18) – Sunday Adelaja
- Men are not great by the virtue of their wealth, but by the wealth of their virtue. – Sunday Adelaja
- Wealth and riches are not evil, it is having love for wealth and riches that is evil – Sunday Adelaja
- As a nation, develop your wealth of virtues and watch yourself live better than most countries who brag themselves in their virtues of natural wealth – Sunday Adelaja
- Everybody that is born on the surface of this earth, is wealthy. That wealth is the wealth of time. – Sunday Adelaja
- The wealth God has given to everyman is the wealth of TIME. – Sunday Adelaja
- If you must record some greatness in your account before you leave this earth, you must value time and understand the importance of time conversion. – Sunday Adelaja
- Only through the conversion of time can greatness be bought. – Sunday Adelaja
- Only through the conversion of time can territories be conquered. – Sunday Adelaja
- You will leave your foot print in the sand of history if you understand and apply the power of time conversion. – Sunday Adelaja
- Conquer your territory through time conversion. – Sunday Adelaja
- You can only become great through the power of time conversion. – Sunday Adelaja
- Self-improvement is possible only through time conversion in solitude. – Sunday Adelaja
- Life is all about conversion. – Sunday Adelaja
- Time consciousness is the key to time conversion. – Sunday Adelaja
- Begin to invest quality time. Start the conversion process and birth your products. – Sunday Adelaja
- Poverty is irrelevant when there is proper time conversion. – Sunday Adelaja
- You don’t have to be rich to understand time conversion. – Sunday Adelaja
- You must understand that all great things come through time conversion. – Sunday Adelaja
- Start the conversion process and birth your products. – Sunday Adelaja
- Greatness can only be attained through time conversion. – Sunday Adelaja
- In order to become great, one must understand the secret of time conversion. – Sunday Adelaja
- You can leave your mark in the sand of history just by discovering the secrets of greatness through time conversion. – Sunday Adelaja
- Work is the major instrument for conversion – Sunday Adelaja
- Economic and financial conversion is actually attainable, thanks to this principle of truth and honesty. – Sunday Adelaja