So because you are converting it, you are actually conserving it.
– Sunday Adelaja
Related Quotes:
- Become great by converting your time into quality product. – Sunday Adelaja
- To become the king of your territory you must not allow any of your time pass without converting it into building your skills in that area of life. – Sunday Adelaja
- To become a king of that territory, you must not allow any of your time pass without converting it into building your skills in that area of life. – Sunday Adelaja
- It is either you are converting time into a product or into a value chain or you are killing, wasting and throwing away your life. – Sunday Adelaja
- So because you are converting it, you are reproducing your life that way. – Sunday Adelaja
- So because you are converting it, you are winning back your time. – Sunday Adelaja
- So because you are converting it, you are grabbing back your life. – Sunday Adelaja
- Run well and win in this race of life by converting your time into added values and products. – Sunday Adelaja
- One thing is needful and that is converting your time into fulfilling your purpose on the earth. – Sunday Adelaja
- You can create the best out of your life by understanding the wealth of time and converting that time into the life that you were created to live. – Sunday Adelaja
- If you allow any minute of your time to pass without converting it into products, you will soon realize that you just wasted a part of your life. – Sunday Adelaja
- Do not allow your life to keep pouring out and reducing without converting it to tangible products. – Sunday Adelaja
- You are killing your life if you are not converting your time. – Sunday Adelaja
- You too can buy greatness by converting your time into greatness through hard work. – Sunday Adelaja
- The secret of all greatness is to not allow time diminish without converting it into a product of greatness. – Sunday Adelaja
- Gain great values by converting your time – Sunday Adelaja
- It’s either you are converting your time or not – Sunday Adelaja
- Only you can succeed in converting your values into product can you win the battle against time – Sunday Adelaja
- Teach them to understand biblical principles before converting them – Sunday Adelaja
- What if the mosquitos are converting the pesticide to a weak form of pyrethrums, a poison to people? – James Frazee
- Leadership: Converting dreams into goals and goals into success. – T Jay Taylor
- Leadership: Converting dreams into goals and goals into success. – T Jay Taylor
- A true prophet would rather be believed false by many but actually true than believed true by many but actually false. – Criss Jami
- You should actually be fighting to have a time of solitude because through it, you can make yourself great. – Sunday Adelaja
- The wealth of time is actually of more value than natural resources. – Sunday Adelaja
- With the power of solitude, you can actually take up a decision to invent anything. – Sunday Adelaja
- One of the most important things you could actually do in life is to create the best of yourself, to create your ideal self. – Sunday Adelaja
- Solitude time is a period when you actually turn your time into some treasure. – Sunday Adelaja
- One of the greatest discoveries you could actually discover in life is the treasure of solitude. – Sunday Adelaja
- When you can actually measure your day by how much time is converted into products, then you are a great force on the earth. – Sunday Adelaja
- You are actually reproducing yourself when you invest your life. – Sunday Adelaja
- When you spent your time, you are actually spending your life. – Sunday Adelaja
- Whenever we lose time, we are actually losing our life. – Sunday Adelaja
- Principles can actually grow and overwhelm the things you are afraid of. – Sunday Adelaja
- Each of us has our destination and target, but when we ignore it, we are used for purposes other than for what we were actually intended – Sunday Adelaja
- You’re actually fulfilling your calling by going to work and giving your best. – Sunday Adelaja
- Economic and financial conversion is actually attainable, thanks to this principle of truth and honesty. – Sunday Adelaja
- Unless a person actually hates sin, he will continue to practice it. – Sunday Adelaja
- Most people that I know who go to church actually go there to twist the arms of God so that he can get all the discomfort away from them. – Sunday Adelaja
- When we are telling people to depend on favor rather than qualification, we are actually preparing a ground for our country to collapse. – Sunday Adelaja