When you invest your time, you are pouring your life into others.
– Sunday Adelaja
Related Quotes:
- Love pouring out of you is evidence of God pouring into you. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- Pay your bills, yes. But don’t invest in them. Invest in your dreams. What you invest in grows. – Suzette R Hinton
- Don’t dedicate all your resources to helping others invest in their calling. Rather, invest in yourself as well – Sunday Adelaja
- To invest your life, you must invest your time and make sure it doesn’t just melt away like Salvador Dali’s melting clock. – Sunday Adelaja
- Whether you are aware of it or not, your life is still disappearing. It’s pouring out, it keeps diminishing. – Sunday Adelaja
- Do not allow your life to keep pouring out and reducing without converting it to tangible products. – Sunday Adelaja
- When you go to church, you are supposed to go to church to invest in people or to invest in yourself. – Sunday Adelaja
- Prayer is pouring your heart to the one you love. – Sunday Adelaja
- Today I AM grateful for wealth. There are many seeds planted inside me that are growing and pouring endless financial prosperity onto my life. – Ron Barrow
- I am worried about our tendency to over invest in things and under invest in people. – John Kenneth Galbraith
- When people don’t have much money, they invest in emotions… when some people have lots of money, they invest in emotional fools ! – Rajneesh Shrma
- Stop obsessing about where you invest your money.Focus instead, on where you invest your time. – Gyan Nagpal
- Stop obsessing about where you invest your money. Focus instead, on where you invest your time. – Gyan Nagpal
- Parents, don’t invest in your child’s teaching; invest in your child’s learning. – Steve Ahn
- If you invest in your critics more than you invest in your dreams, you have successfully invested in your failure. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- Invest your life into what you were born to do. Make every minute of your life count. Redeem every minute of your life and convert it into greatness. – Sunday Adelaja
- Shelby watched the books burn. She wonders if words are pouring down on other people’s houses,sad words, like beast and mourn and sorrow and mother. – Alice Hoffman
- There is no fixed formula for prayer. It has to be spontaneous, sincere, and affectionate. It is an over pouring of human spirit to God – Kandathil Sebastian
- Your doubts do nothing than pouring cold water on your enviable dreams. Just keep doubts away from you and you will not dilute your success story! – Israelmore Ayivor
- Now that I have opened that bottle of memories they’re pouring out like wine, crimson and bittersweet. – Ellen Hopkins
- No king establishes a kingdom without pouring blood of a nation. – Auliq Ice
- When you invest more time into something than others, you become the best among equals. – Sunday Adelaja
- If you don’t want to regret your life late, then begin to invest your time, begin to measure your life. – Sunday Adelaja
- If you desire to be great in life and live a life of no regret the number one thing you should do with time is to INVEST TIME. – Sunday Adelaja
- When you invest your life, you reproduce your life. – Sunday Adelaja
- The way to becoming the best in your area of calling is to invest more time than anyone else in that area of life. – Sunday Adelaja
- If you will invest the maximum amount of time in hard work, polishing and building your own land of promise, you will become great in life. – Sunday Adelaja
- You are to use this one life to make a difference in your world. You are to invest your time and not waste it. – Sunday Adelaja
- Invest your life into what you were born to do. – Sunday Adelaja
- Invest your evaporating life and reap greatness. – Sunday Adelaja
- Invest your time and add value to your life because that is the only way to greatness. – Sunday Adelaja
- The only way to get the best out of the diminishing life is to invest it into the fulfilment of your purpose. – Sunday Adelaja
- When you invest your time you will notice that you are being fruitful and that you are multiplying your life. – Sunday Adelaja
- You are actually reproducing yourself when you invest your life. – Sunday Adelaja
- When you invest your time, you are investing your life. – Sunday Adelaja
- When you invest your life, you are multiplying it. – Sunday Adelaja
- When you invest in life, you are being fruitful and productive – Sunday Adelaja
- Always invest your life in your calling and purpose – Sunday Adelaja
- You need to discover how to invest your life – Sunday Adelaja
- When you invest your life, you don’t lose it. – Sunday Adelaja