You must live a life of love to live an effective life
– Sunday Adelaja
Related Quotes:
- To live an effective life, you must understand the essence and secret of life – Sunday Adelaja
- You must detach yourself from the stereotypical life to live an effective one – Sunday Adelaja
- You need to live a life of service to make your life an effective one – Sunday Adelaja
- To be effective the preacher’s message must be alive; it must alarm, arouse, challenge; it must be God’s present voice to a particular people. – AW Tozer
- Effective leadership is doing important things first. Effective management is knowing what is important. – Debasish Mridha
- Management informs. Leadership applies. The effective managers inform accurately. Effective leaders apply wisely. – Israelmore Ayivor
- Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action. – Peter F Drucker
- To live an effective life, you have to turn your back on the things of the world – Sunday Adelaja
- You don’t count or matter when you don’t live an effective life – Sunday Adelaja
- Being dynamic doesn’t necessarily mean you live an effective life – Sunday Adelaja
- Our target as believers is to live an effective life, not just a long one – Sunday Adelaja
- Because you live to love and love to live/ And because of what your heardrum will give/ Now we might love to live and live to love. – Janet Goodfriend
- Live to learn to love. Learn to love to live. Love to live to learn so that you may live the life that you yearn. – Rico Dasheem
- To be an effective time user, you must make sure you are spending your time on only what is important. – Sunday Adelaja
- Every fragment of time that passes daily must be converted for it to be fully effective – Sunday Adelaja
- For you to be effective in your promised land, you must study the land – Sunday Adelaja
- Live your lives in such a way that you would be sure you are productive, effective and satisfied on all levels. – Sunday Adelaja
- An effective life is anchored on the ability to look into your life and see results in line with your creation – Sunday Adelaja
- An effective life is a life of purpose – Sunday Adelaja
- The idea of life is maximizing your time and living and effective life – Sunday Adelaja
- A busy life is not necessarily an effective life – Sunday Adelaja
- You need focus and concentration to be effective in life – Sunday Adelaja
- Purposefully dedicating time into developing yourself is one of the keys to being effective in life – Sunday Adelaja
- You have to be skillful in your time management to be effective in life – Sunday Adelaja
- Being married or having children does not mean you are living an effective life – Sunday Adelaja
- Being rich or famous does not equate an effective life – Sunday Adelaja
- The primary thing that determines how effective your life is how you carry out your calling – Sunday Adelaja
- The key to an effective life is that things done for self don’t count – Sunday Adelaja
- Things done for self don’t count in living an effective life – Sunday Adelaja
- An effective life is a selfless one – Sunday Adelaja
- An effective life is a fulfilled one – Sunday Adelaja
- An effective life is not determined by how long you lived – Sunday Adelaja
- The way you spend your time daily determines how effective your life will be – Sunday Adelaja
- Proper and effective time management is the best way to make it in life – Sunday Adelaja
- You shouldn’t live for yourself alone but you must also learn to live the Christian life – Sunday Adelaja
- A person must never live a lie. We free ourselves to live a full life by discovering the courage to face our illusions and live a true life. – Kilroy J Oldster
- Be determined to live a pure, holy and godly life; decide to honor, love and value other people, and to live a life that reflects Christ to others – Sunday Adelaja
- Determine when you are most effective and energized, then plan your tasks within that time. – Sunday Adelaja
- Make sure you understand when best you are effective and then schedule your most important tasks within that time of the day. – Sunday Adelaja
- Learn to do everything with speed to be efficient and effective – Sunday Adelaja