We glorify God when we encourage and bless His creation
– Sunday Adelaja
Related Quotes:
- At the time we glorify self instead of glorify God, at that time we are wasting our time as… God is Time. – indonesia
- If we glorify God (not self) in everything we do then everything on earth will glorify God. – indonesia
- The best way to celebrate God is to glorify His creation – Sunday Adelaja
- God has not promised to bless my thoughts, but He has promised to bless His Word. – Billy Graham
- Cultivate blessing. Bless yourself. Bless the whole world. Let it be full with love, peace, joy and happiness. – Amit Ray
- You bless my heart the only way you can bless the world as well ….. Just by existing you make me the happiest woman alive. – Nani Rsv
- Jealousy is not there to encourage you to make someone fail, but there to encourage one to do more than the one they envy. – Unarine Ramaru
- We glorify God when we celebrate people’s gifts – Sunday Adelaja
- We glorify God when we appreciate humans – Sunday Adelaja
- We are only qualified for God’s glory when we glorify people – Sunday Adelaja
- We cannot glorify God when we refuse to celebrate others – Sunday Adelaja
- We glorify God only as we celebrate people – Sunday Adelaja
- We glorify God when we celebrate people – Sunday Adelaja
- If the creation is separated from the creator, the creation will die – Sunday Adelaja
- Creation exists to be a place for the covenant that God wants to make with man. The goal of creation is the covenant, the love story of God and man. – Pope Benedict XVI
- Work in such a way that your work will glorify the Lord – Sunday Adelaja
- When you serve people, God will send people to bless you – Sunday Adelaja
- It is necessary for you to meditate and God will bless you abundantly – Sunday Adelaja
- Your imaginations are not beyond creation, only God’s imaginations exceeds all creation. – Ujay Neme
- You can only reach God through His creation – Sunday Adelaja
- The best way to appreciate God is to appreciate His creation – Sunday Adelaja
- Celebrate God daily by celebrating His creation – Sunday Adelaja
- When you love God for real, you will love His creation – Sunday Adelaja
- The worship of God shouldn’t be done in church alone, but in all our actions and our attitude towards His creation – Sunday Adelaja
- Psychology either tends to glorify human beings or trivialize them, leaving out the complexity of the human soul and the demands of God. – Gene Edward Veith Jr
- Be sure that your motive in praying is to glorify God. – Billy Graham
- We can take persecution because we know the purpose behind it. The purpose is to glorify God. – Billy Graham
- We glorify Christ when we live for God-”trusting, loving, and obeying Him. – Billy Graham
- We glorify God by living lives that honor Him. – Billy Graham
- God will bless you and your marriage when you follow His blueprint. – Jim George
- Your calling should bless and affect the lives of others for good – Sunday Adelaja
- Pray, meditate and the Almighty will bless you in the name of Jesus Christ – Sunday Adelaja
- Creatives Creed: Destruction is creation. Creation is destruction. – Richie Norton
- Of course imagination is the beginning of creation. Without imagination there can be no creation. – Pearl S Buck
- Why are you sitting there watching/reading someone else’s creation when you can be watching/reading your own creation instead Hustle! – BA Gabrielle
- When the Creator touches the Creation, the Creation becomes creative. – Dustin Hedrick
- Take anything that is above you to God, lift it, bless it and release it and see what God will do. – Patience Johnson
- The people that God will bless the most are those who stayed with God. You do not work with walmart and expect Microsoft to pay you. – Patience Johnson
- We wait for God to bless us while God waits for us to accept the blessing. – Betsy Otter Thompson
- Since life comes just once, I encourage you to give it your best shot. I dare you to maximize your life. – Sunday Adelaja