Look for people around you and serve them with love and compassion
– Sunday Adelaja
Related Quotes:
- True greatness is not about the number of people who serve you. It’s about why and how you serve the number of people you serve. – Damilola Oluwatoyinbo
- We only serve God when we serve people – Sunday Adelaja
- When you begin to serve people, God begins to serve you – Sunday Adelaja
- Serve God and get grace to serve people – Sunday Adelaja
- If you serve people, they will gladly serve your vision. – Sunday Adelaja
- We all must serve the Lord in whatsoever capacity He has called us to serve – Sunday Adelaja
- If you are not willing to serve God in the abundance that He has given you, then you will have to serve your enemy in hunger – Sunday Adelaja
- We have mainly been taught to just stay in the church, be faithful, serve the church, and serve the man of God. – Sunday Adelaja
- For beautiful success, serve with love and serve with courage. – Debasish Mridha MD
- There is no greater duty in this world than to serve others with deep compassion and love. – Debasish Mridha
- When you serve the humanity with compassion and kindness,You express your spontaneous love and inner greatness. – Debasish Mridha
- When you serve people, God will send people to bless you – Sunday Adelaja
- People who truly serve God embrace light, they fall in love with light, and they proclaim light, they fight with light. – Sunday Adelaja
- Do not seek popularity or self-affirmation; just show people God’s love and mercy, and help them to prosper and succeed. Simply serve God – Pastor Adelaja Sunday
- You are not meant to serve time. Time is meant to serve you. Become the master of your now – Eyen A Gardner
- Be above it! Make the world serve your purpose, but do not serve it! – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- If you serve humanity, you serve humanity’s God. – Thomas Jefferson
- Scriptures are meant to serve humanity, not humanity to serve scriptures. – Abhijit Naskar
- When you are eager to serve the world, the universe will be eager to serve you. – Debasish Mridha
- You may not find the opportunity to succeed, but you can always find the opportunity to serve. Then serve to succeed. – Debasish Mridha
- Serve your parents if you expect your children to serve you when you are old – Radhe Maa
- As a spiritual leader, you are here to serve; not to be served. Stop robbing the poor. Jesus came to serve. – Felix Wantang
- Being a leader is not about finding ways to get others to serve you, but knowing how to serve your followers. – AJ Darkholme
- The fearful seek to serve themselves by mastering the world, while the fearless seek to serve the world by mastering themselves. – Eric Michael Leventhal
- To serve the world, serve yourself first by becoming happy and the best person that you can be. – Debasish Mridha
- The day we serve humanity, as we serve our mothers, we shall find Allah. – Zarina Bibi
- Whenever we have opportunity to serve, we must serve with all our heart. – Lailah Gifty Akita
- Don’t serve time. Make time serve you. – Timothy G Cameron
- I would rather serve God and displease my flesh than serve my flesh and displease God. – Mandy Fender
- I ceased to serve a king and began, instead, to serve a kingdom. – Geraldine Brooks
- Serving people with love and compassion is the best way to bring them to Christ – Sunday Adelaja
- Too often it is fear that guides our actions when compassion would better serve. – Dawn Hammill
- Compassion is even more powerful than courage. Sure, with courage you can conquer a world – but only with compassion can you heal and build it. – Rasheed Ogunlaru
- The term compassion means shared suffering. You develop compassion by knowing what it is like to suffer. – Victor Shamas
- Be the compassionate observer. No labels, just unconditional compassion. Fun times p???, tough times pass. Compassion will be eternal. – Matthew Donnelly
- Compassion for humanity begins with compassion and respect for all beings. – Jeffrey A White
- Revere the unity of all-that-iscarry out your daily activities with compassion;if you do not limit your compassion,you yourself will not be limited. – Lao Tzu
- Compassion-¬ is medicine to a wounded heart. When we show compassion to those who are suffering we preach Jesus in another way. – Paul Gitwaza
- If you have nothing but compassion, you are still very wealthy; if you have everything but compassion, you are still very poor! – Mehmet Murat ildan
- True compassion is undirected & holds no conceptual focus. That kind of genuine, true compassion is only possible after realizing emptiness. – Tsoknyi Rinpoche