A life without concrete product is a meaningless one
– Sunday Adelaja
Related Quotes:
- Meaningless! Meaningless!- says the Teacher.-œUtterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.-Ecclesiastes 1:2 – Anonymous
- Your goal in life should be to produce concrete product – Sunday Adelaja
- Time is a concrete product – Sunday Adelaja
- I decided to give up meaningless sex, but then I remembered that everything is meaningless. – Oli Anderson
- Do not be afraid of living without family- be afraid of living an empty and meaningless life – Sunday Adelaja
- A life without purpose is meaningless – Sunday Adelaja
- We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. – Pope Benedict XVI
- We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. – Pope Benedict XVI
- A life without product is a wasted life – Sunday Adelaja
- Mathematics is life: the workings (process) is more important than the answer (proof/product). A wrong process cannot make a right product. – Dele Ayo Bankole
- Worship without honor is meaningless – Sunday Adelaja
- A purposeless life is a meaningless life – Sunday Adelaja
- Effectiveness of love must be measured by concrete results – Sunday Adelaja
- God has purpose for every man to fulfill certain tasks and attain concrete goals – Sunday Adelaja
- A set and concrete term of attaining a plan mobilizes a man to fulfill it. – Sunday Adelaja
- To allow your time evaporate each day without a product to show for it is to allow your life evaporate into vanity. – Sunday Adelaja
- The only way to live a life without regret is to make sure each unit of time that passes is being converted into product – Sunday Adelaja
- Brand and product don’t compete. Brand is product, and everything else conforming to the unique story that consumers create when they think of you. – Laura Busche
- Never accept yourself as a finished product. Be a finished product when you die. As long as you have breath in your lungs, expand yourself. – Brandi L Bates
- It is not what you say, but how you say, that’s important. 99% Fat Free product seems more healthy than a product with 1% Fat. – Manoj Arora
- It is not what you say, but how you say, that’s important. 99% Fat Free product seems more healthy than a product with 1% Fat. – Manoj Arora
- After the launch phase, your product is old news. Take advantage of the opportunity to generate interest when your product is new. – Brian Lawley
- Fame is a spiritual drug. It is often a by-product of our artistic work, but like nuclear waste, it can be a very dangerous by-product. – Julia Cameron
- knowledge without creativity is useless creativity without knowledge is meaningless – shashidhar sa
- knowledge without creativity is useless ,creativity without knowledge is meaningless -“ msa – shashidhar sa
- A purposeless and goalless life is meaningless – Sunday Adelaja
- The life of a man who is ignorant of his destiny is meaningless – Sunday Adelaja
- Given a choice, I would never want a life totally devoid of pain, but life is meaningless without some sadness. – Auliq Ice
- The secret of all greatness is to not allow time diminish without converting it into a product of greatness. – Sunday Adelaja
- Your life must be planned in such a way that you could get to a stage when you can say every day of your life is being converted to a product. – Sunday Adelaja
- Sometimes we are so upset about our meaningless worries that we keep losing focus of the goal all the time – Sunday Adelaja
- People with victim mentality spend their energy not on achieving their target but on meaningless complaints – Sunday Adelaja
- The energy that is necessary for us to achieve the goal is spent on meaningless anxiety – Sunday Adelaja
- Our ignorance of the meaning of the existence of one or another creation does not mean they are meaningless – Sunday Adelaja
- We must treasure our memories just as we cherish our dreams because without dreams and memory human life would be sad, brutal, and meaningless. – Kilroy J Oldster
- Giving a woman your whole life is meaningless without giving her your whole heart as well. – Deborah Harkness
- There is no shadow without the sun.No suffering without divinity.No fear without love.No despair without desire.No hopelessness without faith. – Brownell Landrum
- The holes in your life are permanent. You have to grow around them, like tree roots around concrete; you mold yourself through the gaps. – Paula Hawkins
- Life should be measured with product – Sunday Adelaja
- Life’s product should be made intentionally and consciously – Sunday Adelaja