We have to discover the essence of our creation for us to carry out our purpose as believers
– Sunday Adelaja
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- You have to discover the essence of your creation – Sunday Adelaja
- But ironically the believers have done worse in exploring the earth than sons of men who are not even believers have done. – Sunday Adelaja
- The purpose of life is fulfilling the essence of your creation – Sunday Adelaja
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- Carrying out our purpose as believers is God’s plan for our lives – Sunday Adelaja
- Our purpose as believers is to make impact wherever we find ourselves – Sunday Adelaja
- You only work right when you are fulfilling the essence of your creation – Sunday Adelaja
- Life is about pursuing the essence of creation – Sunday Adelaja
- Purposefully living a life that glorifies the Kingdom is the essence of our creation – Sunday Adelaja
- Discover and understand the true essence of time so as to know how best to utilize and effectively manage it – Sunday Adelaja
- You have to discover the essence of your life – Sunday Adelaja
- If the creation is separated from the creator, the creation will die – Sunday Adelaja
- To discover the original plan of God is to manifest the work of creation – Sunday Adelaja
- You have to discover how best you can manage your time to carry out your work effectively – Sunday Adelaja
- The purpose of the Kingdom is the essence of life – Sunday Adelaja
- Purpose is the essence of life – Sunday Adelaja
- [I]f we feel that creation does not express purpose, it is impossible to find an authorization for purpose in our own lives. – Richard M Weaver
- The greatest of tragedies is a life lived without knowing its purpose. Discover your purpose and life will take on a new meaning. – Mensah Oteh
- You don’t decide what your purpose is in life you discover it. Your purpose is your reason for living. – Bob Proctor
- It is not for you to determine your purpose, the reason for your existence. You discover your purpose by asking the Creator why he created you! – Pedro Okoro
- Don’t betray the purpose of your creation – Sunday Adelaja
- Dedicate time to discovering yourself and find out the purpose of your creation – Sunday Adelaja
- Our reaction does not cancel the meaning of their existence because every creation serves a definite purpose – Sunday Adelaja
- Only your maker is aware of the purpose of your creation – Sunday Adelaja
- We were created by God to carry out and fulfill His divine purpose for our lives – Sunday Adelaja
- Realize your purpose and carry it out boldly – Sunday Adelaja
- Names and attributes must be accommodated to the essence of things, and not the essence to the names, since things come first and names afterwards. – Galileo Galilei
- Essence of any creature encompasses more than one realm.Here now this body, is a vehicle of my essence in this universe. – Toba Beta
- The very essence of life is to love and very essence of love is to be beloved. – Debasish Mridha
- Stillness offers an experience of being and a recognition that being . . . my essence . . . is a part of all Being, all Essence. – Nancy J Napier
- Embrace the true essence of Christmas – by embracing the gift and essence of life, itself. – Eleesha
- In its purest form, a union becomes part of our very essence. And when that bond is broken, our essence is forever changed. – Emily Thorne
- You can never truly become great if you do not discover your purpose in life. – Sunday Adelaja
- You need to do an inventory of yourself to discover your calling and purpose – Sunday Adelaja
- After you discover your purpose, you have to build a platform for your calling – Sunday Adelaja
- Once you become delivered, you have to find your calling and how to discover God’s purpose for your life – Sunday Adelaja