Lies can be formed from truths, but truths cannot be formed from lies.
– Suzy Kassem
Related Quotes:
- Lies can be formed from truth, but truth cannot be formed from lies. – Suzy Kassem
- From the day I began traveling, I understood that truths were lies and lies were truths. – Kevin Keenoo
- Our rest is formed by our waking life and our waking life is formed by our sorrows. – Alice Hoffman
- The waves formed in your heart will make you fall in Love.The waves formed in your mind will make you fall from Life. – Saga Valsalan
- Your strength lies in knowledge, your power lies in wisdom, your treasure lies in understanding, and your wealth lies in life. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- Truth will never shine from a heart filled with corruption and lies. – Suzy Kassem
- Stand up for your conscience. Use light to reveal what is concealed in the darkness. Use truth to fight the lies, and the heart to fight the mind. – Suzy Kassem
- The only truths worth arguing about are those truths that could prevent or lead to circumstances that may bite us in the rear sooner or later. – Criss Jami
- We don’t get to choose what truths God reveals to us — but we do get to choose what we do with the truths — whom we share it with and how. – Carol Goodman
- Brand-new truths are probably not Truths. – John Piper
- You cannot move things by not moving. – Suzy Kassem
- No country can police corruption in other countries when it itself is not free from corruption. You cannot clean a dirty wall with dirty hands. – Suzy Kassem
- You cannot clean a dirty wall with dirty hands. – Suzy Kassem
- History honors the unique minority the majority cannot forget. – Suzy Kassem
- History does not remember the forgettable. It honors the unique minority the majority cannot forget. – Suzy Kassem
- The more you believe, the more you’ll be leaving you, when what you believed turns out to be just lies. Or unjust lies. Or any lies, anyway. – Will Advise
- He who loves lies suffers from no disease than lies! He who believes in and acts upon lies suffers from no disease than ignorance! – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
- the lies of centuries, the lies of love,the lies of Socrates and Blake and Christwill be your bedmates and tombstonesin a death that will never end. – Charles Bukowski
- …lies is lies. Howsever they come, they didn’t ought to come, and they come from the father of lies, work round to the same. – Charles ens
- What lies behind us & what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us – Henry Stanley Haskins
- From time to time, one must release the grime built up inside them to to free their emotions like the ocean. – Suzy Kassem
- You can’t move things by not moving. – Suzy Kassem
- Never judge someone’s character based on the words of another. Instead, study the motives behind the words of the person casting the bad judgment. – Suzy Kassem
- Censorship is alive and well in America. – Suzy Kassem
- To know the good from the bad, study a man or woman’s history of actions, not their record of intentions. – Suzy Kassem
- Stay true to yourself. An original is worth more than a copy. – Suzy Kassem
- The key to a wonderful life is to never stop wandering into wonder. – Suzy Kassem
- A system is corrupt when it is strictly profit-driven, not driven to serve the best interests of its people, but those of multinational corporations. – Suzy Kassem
- You were born an original work of art. Stay original. – Suzy Kassem
- If you want to know what God thinks about any situation in the world, think like a parent. – Suzy Kassem
- Your heart has a powerful little antenna and its vibrations can be felt throughout the universe. – Suzy Kassem
- It is very normal for one ugly weed to not want to stand alone. – Suzy Kassem
- A memorable heart is the easiest way to immortality. – Suzy Kassem
- Without words meaning anything, we stop meaning anything. It’s getting to the point where nobody means what they say or says what they really mean. – Suzy Kassem
- Be yourself. An original is always worth more than a copy. – Suzy Kassem
- Man is only a forgetful mortal, but God -” He sees, hears and remembers everything. – Suzy Kassem
- Thought before word. Never word before thought. – Suzy Kassem
- Just be yourself. An original is worth more than a copy. – Suzy Kassem
- Knowledge is as infinite as the universe. The man who claims to know all, only reveals to all that he really knows nothing. – Suzy Kassem