Top Accounts Quotes

  • Entertaining females with accounts of jug-bitten maunderings is one of my favourite pastimes. – Georgette Heyer

    Entertaining females with accounts of jug-bitten maunderings is one of my favourite pastimes.– Georgette Heyer

  • For intuitive people, it can be exhausting having to constantly manage other people’s emotional needs on personal social media accounts. – Sam Owen

    For intuitive people, it can be exhausting having to constantly manage other people’s emotional needs on personal social media accounts.– Sam Owen

  • The real rich people doesn’t have bank accounts, they have treasures. – Amit Kalantri

    The real rich people doesn’t have bank accounts, they have treasures.– Amit Kalantri

  • It’s proper netiquette to add suggested friends to your social media accounts. – David Chiles

    It’s proper netiquette to add suggested friends to your social media accounts.– David Chiles

  • We must learn to choose between lining our bank accounts and being accountable for our future. – Carlos Wallace

    We must learn to choose between lining our bank accounts and being accountable for our future.– Carlos Wallace

  • And what is gossip anyway?Just fragments of sad accounts, maneuvered and mutilated year after year for our sinful pleasure. – Kanza Javed

    And what is gossip anyway?Just fragments of sad accounts, maneuvered and mutilated year after year for our sinful pleasure.– Kanza Javed

  • Only those with whom you have bound karmic accounts, in the past life, will be able to live with you together. – Dada Bhagwan

    Only those with whom you have bound karmic accounts, in the past life, will be able to live with you together.– Dada Bhagwan

  • The legal system has been designed to rob the bank accounts of the common people. – Steven Magee

    The legal system has been designed to rob the bank accounts of the common people.– Steven Magee

  • Do business with honesty irrespective of what happens, whatever happens thereafter is correct. But do not start any accounts (karma). – Dada Bhagwan

    Do business with honesty irrespective of what happens, whatever happens thereafter is correct. But do not start any accounts (karma).– Dada Bhagwan