Top Activity Quotes

  • It’s absurd to be upset by a lack of results when the cause is a lack of activity. – Orrin Woodward

    It’s absurd to be upset by a lack of results when the cause is a lack of activity.– Orrin Woodward

  • Observation is a critical activity in the innovation process to understand the context of an issue from a human perspective. – Pearl Zhu

    Observation is a critical activity in the innovation process to understand the context of an issue from a human perspective.– Pearl Zhu

  • The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives. – Albert Einstein

    The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.– Albert Einstein

  • But in the areas that matter most, a burst of energy and activity cannot reverse the consequences that accompany a season of neglect. – Andy Stanley

    But in the areas that matter most, a burst of energy and activity cannot reverse the consequences that accompany a season of neglect.– Andy Stanley

  • A frenzy of activity that had mostly led him in circles: wasn’t that a fairly accurate description of lust? – Jennifer Egan

    A frenzy of activity that had mostly led him in circles: wasn’t that a fairly accurate description of lust?– Jennifer Egan

  • Holy paranormal activity, Nightingale – to the Jag mobile. – Ben Aaronovitch

    Holy paranormal activity, Nightingale – to the Jag mobile.– Ben Aaronovitch

  • The only real progress in any activity is to love it more and more. – Marty Rubin

    The only real progress in any activity is to love it more and more.– Marty Rubin

  • The human art form is in uniting fruitful activity with a contemplative stance, not one or the other, but always both at the same time. – Richard Rohr

    The human art form is in uniting fruitful activity with a contemplative stance, not one or the other, but always both at the same time.– Richard Rohr

  • Activity never equaled productivity. Inspect every activity to ensure you are producing right. – Bidemi MarkMordi

    Activity never equaled productivity. Inspect every activity to ensure you are producing right.– Bidemi MarkMordi

  • Until you take your profession as passion, each and every activity looks as a headache – Vignesh SV

    Until you take your profession as passion, each and every activity looks as a headache– Vignesh SV