Top Actuality Quotes

  • The phone rang. Softly, in actuality, yet it seemed loud and ominous, as phones do at night in dark hotel rooms. – Jim Thompson

    The phone rang. Softly, in actuality, yet it seemed loud and ominous, as phones do at night in dark hotel rooms.– Jim Thompson

  • The physical world is entirely abstract and without actuality apart from its linkage to consciousness. – Arthur Stanley Eddington

    The physical world is entirely abstract and without actuality apart from its linkage to consciousness.– Arthur Stanley Eddington

  • Sometimes God’s sudden turn in your life feels like a detour, but in actuality it is the straightest way to your destiny! – Alisa Hope Wagner

    Sometimes God’s sudden turn in your life feels like a detour, but in actuality it is the straightest way to your destiny!– Alisa Hope Wagner

  • What we believe as human nature in actuality is human habit. – Jewel

    What we believe as human nature in actuality is human habit.– Jewel

  • The actuality that the heart does not want to feel, doesn’t negate the certitude that it once felt and will still feel. – Itohan Eghide

    The actuality that the heart does not want to feel, doesn’t negate the certitude that it once felt and will still feel.– Itohan Eghide