Top Adapt Quotes

  • All failure is failure to adapt, all success is successful adaptation. – Max McKeown

    All failure is failure to adapt, all success is successful adaptation.– Max McKeown

  • For our own species, evolution occurs mostly through our behavior. We innovate new behavior to adapt. – Michael Crichton

    For our own species, evolution occurs mostly through our behavior. We innovate new behavior to adapt.– Michael Crichton

  • People lie to adapt… – Lionel Suggs

    People lie to adapt…– Lionel Suggs

  • Because we are human. We adapt, we adjust, and we think too damn much. – Anna Akana

    Because we are human. We adapt, we adjust, and we think too damn much.– Anna Akana

  • Don’t make your life complicated. Adapt to every circumstance. – Lailah Gifty Akita

    Don’t make your life complicated. Adapt to every circumstance.– Lailah Gifty Akita

  • Adapt to your surrounding but remain flexible for growing. – Ashley Porter

    Adapt to your surrounding but remain flexible for growing.– Ashley Porter

  • The best defense is to change and adapt without losing values and morals. – Debasish Mridha

    The best defense is to change and adapt without losing values and morals.– Debasish Mridha

  • Be wise like water and adapt, adjust, and appreciate whomever you are with and wherever you are. – Debasish Mridha

    Be wise like water and adapt, adjust, and appreciate whomever you are with and wherever you are.– Debasish Mridha

  • Every crossroad in life has four options -“ quit, adapt, proceed, or accept, but quitting is a dead-end. – Sharon Nir

    Every crossroad in life has four options -“ quit, adapt, proceed, or accept, but quitting is a dead-end.– Sharon Nir

  • Sadness comes from expectations. To be happy, adapt to everything and expect nothing. – Debasish Mridha

    Sadness comes from expectations. To be happy, adapt to everything and expect nothing.– Debasish Mridha