Top Adventure Quotes

  • This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected. – JRR Tolkien

    This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected.– JRR Tolkien

  • As with all travel, replacing familiar surroundings with the unknown fires an electric charge that awakens a sense of adventure. – Joe Cawley

    As with all travel, replacing familiar surroundings with the unknown fires an electric charge that awakens a sense of adventure.– Joe Cawley

  • We all have our safe places, where none are invited. They are lonely rooms full of the musk of memory. Sanctuary rather than adventure. – Basith

    We all have our safe places, where none are invited. They are lonely rooms full of the musk of memory. Sanctuary rather than adventure.– Basith

  • If you live your life with passion, every second will become an adventure. – Marie Guillaume

    If you live your life with passion, every second will become an adventure.– Marie Guillaume

  • Secrets are the kind of adventure she needs. Secrets are safe, and they do much to make you different. On the inside where it counts. – EL Konigsburg

    Secrets are the kind of adventure she needs. Secrets are safe, and they do much to make you different. On the inside where it counts.– EL Konigsburg

  • Teaching middle school is an adventure not a job. – Angela K Bennett

    Teaching middle school is an adventure not a job.– Angela K Bennett

  • It was too late for he and his father to have an adventure, and NOTHING seemed to have any color anymore. – Robert Kurson

    It was too late for he and his father to have an adventure, and NOTHING seemed to have any color anymore.– Robert Kurson

  • He loved adventure but then he got hired by accenture! – Himmilicious

    He loved adventure but then he got hired by accenture!– Himmilicious

  • Always choose love. Always choose the adventure. You’ll never regret it. – Tracey GarvisGraves

    Always choose love. Always choose the adventure. You’ll never regret it.– Tracey GarvisGraves

  • Lily white’s petals are at my feet anticipating the moment in which adventure and odyssey meet. – Delano Johnson

    Lily white’s petals are at my feet anticipating the moment in which adventure and odyssey meet.– Delano Johnson