Top Aligned Quotes
When your actions are aligned with your dreams and goals, you become the point of origin for their reality.– Steve Maraboli
Focus on what matters.Honour your valuesand make decisionsthat are aligned with them.– Domonique Bertolucci
Focus on what matters.Honour your valuesand make decisionsthat are aligned with them.– Domonique Bertolucci
It is only when your actionsand words are aligned that youcan achieve your true potential.– Domonique Bertolucci
A healthy company is a group of people well aligned for the same purpose propelled by the same values– Jan Tlusk
Patience is productive only when aligned and doggedly chasing of objectives is pursued with consistence and persistence– Priyavrat Thareja
facts are aligned on shelves as well, necessarily chosen and arranged, assigned value by explanations neatly stuck where prices might have been.– Leslie Jamison
Often our thoughts, choices and actions are not aligned to reach our desired goals and we prefer to call it destiny.– Anupama Garg
When in doubt, check if your actions are aligned with your purpose.– Azim Jamal Brian Tracy
Life became more aligned when I started taking some of the advice I’d been dishing out to my friends.– Paula Heller Garland