Top Allegiance Quotes
To hell, allegiance! Vows, to the blackest devil!Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit!I dare damnation– William Shakespeare
Hopefully one day we will pledge allegiance to the Earth and ALL the people on it.– Rick Lepard
Place your allegiance and respect in what is everlasting and real, not in the transitory and false.– Bryant McGill
Consider intentions carefully. Karma gives a damn about ego, awards allegiance to none, and its justice is truly blind.– TF Hodge
The Pledge of Allegiance says ‘liberty and justice for all’. Which part of ‘all’ don’t you understand?– Pat Schroeder
Thus are many identities, over time, shown to be temporary alignments of components involved in a deeper allegiance.– Amy Leach
Nani’s allegiance is to her angerandangerruns deeper than blood and skin.It’s set in boneand bone, once broken,neverheals the same.– Holly Bodger
RELIGION OR COUNTRYOur allegiance may determine the fate of others– Kamil Ali
Every man needs a shadow to reveal his light, to always be that close, ever present, bonded forever in astral allegiance.– Poppet
A Winterian wielding an Autumnian weapon, using Cordellan allegiance to bring Spring crumbling down.– Sara Raasch