Top Allows Quotes
Empathy allows us to enter the world of another. It allows us to take a mental vacation from ourselves.– Arthur P Ciaramicoli
Of all challenges, convincing dumb ones is the most difficult. Manipulation works better in such cases if your heart allows.– Ravindra Shukla
You need to know things the others don’t know. It’s what no one knows about you that allows you to know yourself.– Don DeLillo
The moral of the tale is this: whoever allows himself to be whipped,deserves to be whipped.– Leopold von SacherMasoch
A proper distribution of weight allows equality on each support.– Jonah Bookscom
The act of committing yourself to the Lord daily allows Him to guide you.– Elizabeth George
Mastery, to whatever degree your circumstance allows, is determined by a handful of choices repeated daily.– Chris Matakas
Friendship allows you to see your own life but with a second sympathetic self.– David Brooks
Christianity tells a big story. It allows us to see our own story in a new way.– Alister E McGrath