Top Alternatives Quotes

  • Avoid using cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs as alternatives to being an interesting person. – Marilyn Vos Savant

    Avoid using cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs as alternatives to being an interesting person.– Marilyn Vos Savant

  • it is hard to let go , to imagine alternatives, stop thinking about things you are not ready to explore . – Kamal Benslimane Soufiane

    it is hard to let go , to imagine alternatives, stop thinking about things you are not ready to explore .– Kamal Benslimane Soufiane

  • To critique sexist images without offering alternatives is an incomplete intervention. Critique in and of itself does not lead to change. – bell hooks

    To critique sexist images without offering alternatives is an incomplete intervention. Critique in and of itself does not lead to change.– bell hooks

  • Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternatives. – Maurice Chevalier

    Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternatives.– Maurice Chevalier

  • A market economy is to economics what democracy is to government: a decent, if flawed, choice among many bad alternatives. – Charles Wheelan

    A market economy is to economics what democracy is to government: a decent, if flawed, choice among many bad alternatives.– Charles Wheelan

  • Humans are forever discontent-”always thinking there are better alternatives to their present circumstances. – Richelle E Goodrich

    Humans are forever discontent-”always thinking there are better alternatives to their present circumstances.– Richelle E Goodrich

  • Real winners in a rapidly changing world will be those who are open to alternatives and able to respect and value those who are different. – Mary Catherine Bateson

    Real winners in a rapidly changing world will be those who are open to alternatives and able to respect and value those who are different.– Mary Catherine Bateson

  • People do get hypnotized by the hard choices and stop looking at the alternatives. The will to be stupid is a powerful force – Lois McMaster Bujold

    People do get hypnotized by the hard choices and stop looking at the alternatives. The will to be stupid is a powerful force– Lois McMaster Bujold

  • Life is full of alternatives but no choice. – Patrick White

    Life is full of alternatives but no choice.– Patrick White

  • We have annexed the future into our present as merely one of those manifold alternatives open to us – JG Ballard

    We have annexed the future into our present as merely one of those manifold alternatives open to us– JG Ballard