Top Answer Quotes

  • The answer to the drug problem is not criminalisation and incarceration, but education, regulation and treatment. – Merlyn Gabriel Miller

    The answer to the drug problem is not criminalisation and incarceration, but education, regulation and treatment.– Merlyn Gabriel Miller

  • In the soft light of morning, the sky outside turning light blue, my answer is always and still: -œI’m fine. – Kris Kidd

    In the soft light of morning, the sky outside turning light blue, my answer is always and still: -œI’m fine.– Kris Kidd

  • Life is a balance of hanging on and letting go.In the moment, shut down the mind and let intuition give you the answer. Have no regrets. – Matthew Donnelly

    Life is a balance of hanging on and letting go.In the moment, shut down the mind and let intuition give you the answer. Have no regrets.– Matthew Donnelly

  • At the last moment she thought, I’m not ready.But she already knew the answer to that.Nobody was ever ready. – LJ Smith

    At the last moment she thought, I’m not ready.But she already knew the answer to that.Nobody was ever ready.– LJ Smith

  • Words are not the answer. Only the feelings you as an individual get from them are. – Matthew Donnelly

    Words are not the answer. Only the feelings you as an individual get from them are.– Matthew Donnelly

  • Intelligence is knowing the right answer. Wisdom is knowing when to say it. – Tim Fargo

    Intelligence is knowing the right answer. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.– Tim Fargo

  • And the answer is yes. I have loved you. I always have, and I always will. – Cassandra Clare

    And the answer is yes. I have loved you. I always have, and I always will.– Cassandra Clare

  • He couldn’t tell Zeke how they would be tomorrow, because he didn’t know that answer yesterday, did he? – Clare London

    He couldn’t tell Zeke how they would be tomorrow, because he didn’t know that answer yesterday, did he?– Clare London

  • When I say the things that don’t make sense you answer me anyway. It’s like having green in your shirt. – Mindy McGinnis

    When I say the things that don’t make sense you answer me anyway. It’s like having green in your shirt.– Mindy McGinnis

  • You have two choices, sweetheart. Answer my questions, or get a monster new facial piercing. – Dennis Sharpe

    You have two choices, sweetheart. Answer my questions, or get a monster new facial piercing.– Dennis Sharpe