Top Arguing Quotes

  • Be calm in arguing: for fierceness makes Error a fault, and truth discourtesy. – George Herbert

    Be calm in arguing: for fierceness makes Error a fault, and truth discourtesy.– George Herbert

  • You can’t argue with insanity. You can stare at it, gaping and incredulous, but arguing with it is futile. – Richelle E Goodrich

    You can’t argue with insanity. You can stare at it, gaping and incredulous, but arguing with it is futile.– Richelle E Goodrich

  • There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither one works. Don’t bother. – Ziad K Abdelnour

    There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither one works. Don’t bother.– Ziad K Abdelnour

  • Arguing with a woman is like reading the Software License Agreement. In the end, you ignore everything and click I agree. – Eyden I

    Arguing with a woman is like reading the Software License Agreement. In the end, you ignore everything and click I agree.– Eyden I

  • Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one. – Marcus Aurelius

    Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.– Marcus Aurelius

  • In arguing, what people lack in intellect they usually make up for in name-calling. – C Vallo

    In arguing, what people lack in intellect they usually make up for in name-calling.– C Vallo

  • The only truths worth arguing about are those truths that could prevent or lead to circumstances that may bite us in the rear sooner or later. – Criss Jami

    The only truths worth arguing about are those truths that could prevent or lead to circumstances that may bite us in the rear sooner or later.– Criss Jami

  • Give yourself a break. When you are alone with your thoughts you should not be arguing. – Gary Rudz

    Give yourself a break. When you are alone with your thoughts you should not be arguing.– Gary Rudz

  • That was a really shitty move Liam! How would you like it if I turned into an animal when we were arguing? – Abby Niles

    That was a really shitty move Liam! How would you like it if I turned into an animal when we were arguing?– Abby Niles

  • There was no arguing with a man when he started saying thing like that — using logic as a weapon. – Sally Wentworth

    There was no arguing with a man when he started saying thing like that — using logic as a weapon.– Sally Wentworth