Top Around Quotes

  • Sometimes people graduate but they don’t leave. They hang around for years, for no reason. I would think of ghosts like that, I decided. – Maureen Johnson

    Sometimes people graduate but they don’t leave. They hang around for years, for no reason. I would think of ghosts like that, I decided.– Maureen Johnson

  • I love you guilty. It makes it easier for me to wrap you around my finger. – Susan Elizabeth Phillips

    I love you guilty. It makes it easier for me to wrap you around my finger.– Susan Elizabeth Phillips

  • Regret piles up around us like books we have never read. – Jack Ryan

    Regret piles up around us like books we have never read.– Jack Ryan

  • Write for impact first, money second. If you do it the other way around, you’ll end up with less of either. – Don Roff

    Write for impact first, money second. If you do it the other way around, you’ll end up with less of either.– Don Roff

  • Every sacrifice I make is for the good of my Clan-”and for the other Clans around the lake. Even if that means sacrificing myself. – Erin Hunter

    Every sacrifice I make is for the good of my Clan-”and for the other Clans around the lake. Even if that means sacrificing myself.– Erin Hunter

  • If cats could count, they’d start getting nervous around the time they put paid to their fifth life. – John Connolly

    If cats could count, they’d start getting nervous around the time they put paid to their fifth life.– John Connolly

  • A cat chooses its owner, not the other way around. – Helen Brown

    A cat chooses its owner, not the other way around.– Helen Brown

  • There are always cats around Charlie’s, but they are usually refugees seeking asylum from the local rat population, and rather desperately friendly. – Robin McKinley

    There are always cats around Charlie’s, but they are usually refugees seeking asylum from the local rat population, and rather desperately friendly.– Robin McKinley

  • i wish cats could float around your head – Megan Boyle

    i wish cats could float around your head– Megan Boyle

  • As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the human kind. – Cleveland Amory

    As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the human kind.– Cleveland Amory