Top Artistry Quotes

  • Great words, arranged with cunning and artistry, could change the perceived world for some readers – Pat Conroy

    Great words, arranged with cunning and artistry, could change the perceived world for some readers– Pat Conroy

  • Your skill is the artistry you bring to your world, put out awe inspiring work. – Sravani Saha Nakhro

    Your skill is the artistry you bring to your world, put out awe inspiring work.– Sravani Saha Nakhro

  • We all have the same pallet of emotional paints. It is how we pigment them on the canvas of life that dictates our artistry. – Ged Thompson Liverpool Poet

    We all have the same pallet of emotional paints. It is how we pigment them on the canvas of life that dictates our artistry.– Ged Thompson Liverpool Poet

  • You can survive without artistry, but you cannot live without artistry. – Amit Kalantri

    You can survive without artistry, but you cannot live without artistry.– Amit Kalantri

  • Petra is a brilliant display of man’s artistry in turning barren rock into a majestic wonder. – Edward Dawson

    Petra is a brilliant display of man’s artistry in turning barren rock into a majestic wonder.– Edward Dawson

  • Artistry is the dance of color & form, whether visual, musical, or sparked in the imagination by the written word. – Cathryn Louis

    Artistry is the dance of color & form, whether visual, musical, or sparked in the imagination by the written word.– Cathryn Louis

  • The secret of the answered prayer is not in its artistry, nor shouts either-¦ – Sunday Adelaja

    The secret of the answered prayer is not in its artistry, nor shouts either-¦– Sunday Adelaja

  • Artistry exists in everyone. What makes it blossom is a soul’s personal desire to find an outlet for expression. – Richelle E Goodrich

    Artistry exists in everyone. What makes it blossom is a soul’s personal desire to find an outlet for expression.– Richelle E Goodrich

  • Artistry, perhaps, is at its core being able to control change in interesting ways. – Jeff Ryan

    Artistry, perhaps, is at its core being able to control change in interesting ways.– Jeff Ryan

  • Through artistry, imagination not only allows one to express their creativity, but also their soul. – Donald L Hicks

    Through artistry, imagination not only allows one to express their creativity, but also their soul.– Donald L Hicks