Top Assistance Quotes

  • Night sometimes lends such tragic assistance to catastrophe. – Victor Hugo

    Night sometimes lends such tragic assistance to catastrophe.– Victor Hugo

  • The emancipation of the working class can only be achieved by the working class itself -” without the assistance of governments. – pierrejospeh proudhon

    The emancipation of the working class can only be achieved by the working class itself -” without the assistance of governments.– pierrejospeh proudhon

  • There is no such thing as divine law enforced by mankind. Cosmic laws are self-sustaining mechanisms that do not require our assistance to function. – Anita B Sulser PhD

    There is no such thing as divine law enforced by mankind. Cosmic laws are self-sustaining mechanisms that do not require our assistance to function.– Anita B Sulser PhD

  • Grace is the divine assistance that gives you advantage over those who are better than you. – Richard Okorie

    Grace is the divine assistance that gives you advantage over those who are better than you.– Richard Okorie

  • You did not die when you were drawing public assistance money, but you certainly did not remain alive. – Nevil Shute

    You did not die when you were drawing public assistance money, but you certainly did not remain alive.– Nevil Shute

  • The denial of assistance is sometimes the greatest assistance. The trick is recognizing when this is the case. – Richelle E Goodrich

    The denial of assistance is sometimes the greatest assistance. The trick is recognizing when this is the case.– Richelle E Goodrich

  • Compassion is not prevention of all negative certainty, it is a home floating on the sea of fear, that equally brings assistance to those sinking. – James C Emlund

    Compassion is not prevention of all negative certainty, it is a home floating on the sea of fear, that equally brings assistance to those sinking.– James C Emlund

  • People expected certain things of me: assistance, silence, comfort. They had no idea who I was. – Alice Hoffman

    People expected certain things of me: assistance, silence, comfort. They had no idea who I was.– Alice Hoffman

  • A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules, often with the assistance of unsuspecting musicians. – Frank Zappa

    A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules, often with the assistance of unsuspecting musicians.– Frank Zappa

  • A person with a victim complex is incapable of achieving his goal without someone’s assistance, advice and prompts – Sunday Adelaja

    A person with a victim complex is incapable of achieving his goal without someone’s assistance, advice and prompts– Sunday Adelaja