Top Audience Quotes

  • You can’t tell the audience -” well, you can, but I don’t like to tell the audience -” that anything they’re watching doesn’t matter. – Dan  Harmon

    You can’t tell the audience -” well, you can, but I don’t like to tell the audience -” that anything they’re watching doesn’t matter.– Dan Harmon

  • I expect the audience to assume TV is stupid. I accept that it’s my job to overcome it. – Dan  Harmon

    I expect the audience to assume TV is stupid. I accept that it’s my job to overcome it.– Dan Harmon

  • You can’t tell the audience -” well, you can, but I don’t like to tell the audience -” that anything they’re watching doesn’t matter.– Dan Harmon

  • Lincoln learned to summon the passions, but he never addressed his audience as sweethearts. – Richard Brookhiser

    Lincoln learned to summon the passions, but he never addressed his audience as sweethearts.– Richard Brookhiser

  • When you know what you want to communicate, ask yourself: Who is my audience and what does he know about the subject? – Sandra Lamb

    When you know what you want to communicate, ask yourself: Who is my audience and what does he know about the subject?– Sandra Lamb

  • She would keep playing the role of the winner as long as the audience believed her. – Mary Papas

    She would keep playing the role of the winner as long as the audience believed her.– Mary Papas

  • There is never a bad joke, it’s adressing to a wrong audience that makes it look bad! – Ramana Pemmaraju

    There is never a bad joke, it’s adressing to a wrong audience that makes it look bad!– Ramana Pemmaraju

  • I’ve always felt I deserved a wider audience, so thank you for reading this. – Ivana Hruba

    I’ve always felt I deserved a wider audience, so thank you for reading this.– Ivana Hruba

  • Writing is a great way of talking with an endless audience for never-ending time. – Debasish Mridha

    Writing is a great way of talking with an endless audience for never-ending time.– Debasish Mridha

  • Unlike most politicians who follow their audience, (Robert) Kennedy tried to lead his. – Thurston Clarke

    Unlike most politicians who follow their audience, (Robert) Kennedy tried to lead his.– Thurston Clarke