Top Bag Quotes

  • If she was going to die she wanted to go out with chocolate in one hand and a shopping bag in the other. – Caroline Hanson

    If she was going to die she wanted to go out with chocolate in one hand and a shopping bag in the other.– Caroline Hanson

  • Once you take the cat out of the bag, you can’t cram it back in. – Jen Calonita

    Once you take the cat out of the bag, you can’t cram it back in.– Jen Calonita

  • He’d seen a lot of bizarre items left at gravesides, like a carton of eggs, a pair of reading glasses, a bag of licorice, smooth stones, a spoon. – Sheri Webber

    He’d seen a lot of bizarre items left at gravesides, like a carton of eggs, a pair of reading glasses, a bag of licorice, smooth stones, a spoon.– Sheri Webber

  • He’d seen a lot of bizarre items left at gravesides, like a carton of eggs, a pair of reading glasses, a bag of licorice, smooth stones, a spoon.– Sheri Webber

  • She fully expected to see a maniacal killer raising his arms with a plastic bag in his hands to suffocate her – Elle Kl

    She fully expected to see a maniacal killer raising his arms with a plastic bag in his hands to suffocate her– Elle Kl

  • A gold cage is still a cage.-King David IOh, go cry in a bag of money.-Queen Christina – MaryJanice Davidson

    A gold cage is still a cage.-King David IOh, go cry in a bag of money.-Queen Christina– MaryJanice Davidson

  • Marcus and Ellie exchanged a worried look and examined the bag again. Sure enough, the gold was gone. – Justin Swapp

    Marcus and Ellie exchanged a worried look and examined the bag again. Sure enough, the gold was gone.– Justin Swapp

  • Life runs on with bag pack of problems tackle them swiftly. – Kishore Bansal

    Life runs on with bag pack of problems tackle them swiftly.– Kishore Bansal

  • Postman’s bag is always heavy because it carries the life itself: It carries all the sorrows and all the joys, all the worries and all the hopes! – Mehmet Murat ildan

    Postman’s bag is always heavy because it carries the life itself: It carries all the sorrows and all the joys, all the worries and all the hopes!– Mehmet Murat ildan

  • The train hit her with the sound of a meat-filled hefty bag smacking the pavement, and the effect was much the same, I guess. (Dark City Lights) – Warren Moore

    The train hit her with the sound of a meat-filled hefty bag smacking the pavement, and the effect was much the same, I guess. (Dark City Lights)– Warren Moore