Top Baggage Quotes

  • I don’t believe in a lot of baggage. It’s such a nuisance. Life’s too short to fuss with it. And it isn’t really necessary – Hugh Lofting

    I don’t believe in a lot of baggage. It’s such a nuisance. Life’s too short to fuss with it. And it isn’t really necessary– Hugh Lofting

  • He couldn’t be the type of guy she probably deserved-”someone her own age without baggage or complications. But he could be the man she needed. – Shelly Bell

    He couldn’t be the type of guy she probably deserved-”someone her own age without baggage or complications. But he could be the man she needed.– Shelly Bell

  • Every problem comes with a baggage of solutions. – Santosh Kalwar

    Every problem comes with a baggage of solutions.– Santosh Kalwar

  • Acceleration can never happen if the baggage of the past in pulling you from behind! – Harrish Sairaman

    Acceleration can never happen if the baggage of the past in pulling you from behind!– Harrish Sairaman

  • Racism and religious bigotry are two essential pieces of baggage mankind carries as it moves from one century to the next. – R N Prasher

    Racism and religious bigotry are two essential pieces of baggage mankind carries as it moves from one century to the next.– R N Prasher

  • I know you have baggage, I know you’re going to be a pain in my ???, but I love you more that I ever dreamed possible. – JM Madden

    I know you have baggage, I know you’re going to be a pain in my ???, but I love you more that I ever dreamed possible.– JM Madden

  • The problem with baggage is that it affects other people’s trips. – Chris Hodges

    The problem with baggage is that it affects other people’s trips.– Chris Hodges

  • Each of us views life through a different lens. What we think is colored by the baggage we carry and what we perceive is how we live. – Laurie Buchanan

    Each of us views life through a different lens. What we think is colored by the baggage we carry and what we perceive is how we live.– Laurie Buchanan

  • Gratitude is who you are, sans baggage. – Sravani Saha Nakhro

    Gratitude is who you are, sans baggage.– Sravani Saha Nakhro

  • Life is easier when you don’t carry baggage from the past. – Debasish Mridha

    Life is easier when you don’t carry baggage from the past.– Debasish Mridha