Top Beaten Quotes

  • A lifetime had to be crafted, just like anything else, she thought, it had to be moulded and beaten and burnished in order to get the most out of it. – Rohinton Mistry

    A lifetime had to be crafted, just like anything else, she thought, it had to be moulded and beaten and burnished in order to get the most out of it.– Rohinton Mistry

  • Courage is knowing that you’re beaten and forging ahead anyway. – Zach Wahls

    Courage is knowing that you’re beaten and forging ahead anyway.– Zach Wahls

  • He’d shot and beaten people because he couldn’t talk to them.Violence was the only language nobody could understand. There were no translators. – James Meek

    He’d shot and beaten people because he couldn’t talk to them.Violence was the only language nobody could understand. There were no translators.– James Meek

  • A head can be beaten small enough until it fits the hat. – GK Chesterton

    A head can be beaten small enough until it fits the hat.– GK Chesterton

  • There are only two ways we can be beaten: we die or we give up. And we’re not giving up. – Tom Clancy

    There are only two ways we can be beaten: we die or we give up. And we’re not giving up.– Tom Clancy

  • No woman deserves to be disrespected; to be beaten up, to be called bitches or sluts. Assaulted or insulted. Even if she’s a hooker. – Imam Shah

    No woman deserves to be disrespected; to be beaten up, to be called bitches or sluts. Assaulted or insulted. Even if she’s a hooker.– Imam Shah

  • If a person gets rid of any weight, or girth, or fat, it isn’t lost–it is fought off, beaten off. – Samuel G Blythe

    If a person gets rid of any weight, or girth, or fat, it isn’t lost–it is fought off, beaten off.– Samuel G Blythe

  • His characters are ravaged, beaten. They walk through infernos and emerge charred doves. – Marisha Pessl

    His characters are ravaged, beaten. They walk through infernos and emerge charred doves.– Marisha Pessl

  • Always prefer to be like Gold, so ductile as willing to be pulled to the limits, so malleable as the more you get beaten the more you get decorative. – Sandeep Sahajpal

    Always prefer to be like Gold, so ductile as willing to be pulled to the limits, so malleable as the more you get beaten the more you get decorative.– Sandeep Sahajpal

  • True morality consists not in following the beaten track, but in finding the true path for ourselves, and fearlessly following it. – Mahatma Gandhi

    True morality consists not in following the beaten track, but in finding the true path for ourselves, and fearlessly following it.– Mahatma Gandhi