Top Became Quotes

  • I became addicted to the guilt. The strange thrill of doing something so morbid, so off-color, and so completely wrong. – Marcella Pixley

    I became addicted to the guilt. The strange thrill of doing something so morbid, so off-color, and so completely wrong.– Marcella Pixley

  • In his madness he became a terrifying actor! – Luigi Pirandello

    In his madness he became a terrifying actor!– Luigi Pirandello

  • Young people ask why I became a writer, as if it were something I decided. I didn’t decide; it grew on me like ivy. – MV Carey

    Young people ask why I became a writer, as if it were something I decided. I didn’t decide; it grew on me like ivy.– MV Carey

  • Imagine what the world might have been like if Larry and Sergey instead became professors or took a job at Microsoft. – Jared Tame

    Imagine what the world might have been like if Larry and Sergey instead became professors or took a job at Microsoft.– Jared Tame

  • You were a luminescent star in the darkened sky that became my universe. – Truth Devour

    You were a luminescent star in the darkened sky that became my universe.– Truth Devour

  • For out of the perverse will came lust, and the service of lust ended in habit, and habit, not resisted, became necessity. – Augustine of Hippo

    For out of the perverse will came lust, and the service of lust ended in habit, and habit, not resisted, became necessity.– Augustine of Hippo

  • The more my brain was fed, the hungrier it became. – Kevin DeYoung

    The more my brain was fed, the hungrier it became.– Kevin DeYoung

  • To get what I wanted I became the monster I’ve always hated… – Megan Mitcham

    To get what I wanted I became the monster I’ve always hated…– Megan Mitcham

  • Heroes became extinct when saving the world became more important to rescue a damsel in distress. – LA Serrt

    Heroes became extinct when saving the world became more important to rescue a damsel in distress.– LA Serrt

  • I want to know exactly how many pieces of myself I had to give away before I became something else entirely. – Kris Kidd

    I want to know exactly how many pieces of myself I had to give away before I became something else entirely.– Kris Kidd