Top Bee Quotes

  • A teaspoon of honey is worth more to the bee than a barrel of gold. – Matshona Dhliwayo

    A teaspoon of honey is worth more to the bee than a barrel of gold.– Matshona Dhliwayo

  • The bee is domesticated but not tamed. – William Longgood

    The bee is domesticated but not tamed.– William Longgood

  • When opponents of evolution object that human beings are not mere apes, they are correct. We are also part bee. – Jonathan Haidt

    When opponents of evolution object that human beings are not mere apes, they are correct. We are also part bee.– Jonathan Haidt

  • The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man it is to know that and to wonder at it – JacquesYves Cousteau

    The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man it is to know that and to wonder at it– JacquesYves Cousteau

  • Like flowers to a bee, feelings are the silent language of the heart. – Debasish Mridha

    Like flowers to a bee, feelings are the silent language of the heart.– Debasish Mridha

  • Those who have not been stung will hardly fear a bee the same as those who have. – Sara Sheridan

    Those who have not been stung will hardly fear a bee the same as those who have.– Sara Sheridan

  • Bentley is a good bee with a shaky sense of direction and an appetite for mayhem. Just don’t call him a drone. He hates that. – John    Hopkins

    Bentley is a good bee with a shaky sense of direction and an appetite for mayhem. Just don’t call him a drone. He hates that.– John Hopkins

  • What drew her into O’Riley’s like a bee to honey was the six-foot, broad-shouldered, dark eyes, dark smile of Finn O’Riley himself. – Jill Shalvis

    What drew her into O’Riley’s like a bee to honey was the six-foot, broad-shouldered, dark eyes, dark smile of Finn O’Riley himself.– Jill Shalvis

  • You could have heard a bee fluff – SW Lothian

    You could have heard a bee fluff– SW Lothian

  • You are all wave particles when I close my eyes. I am no more entranced by your entanglement than a ????erfly is to a bee. – Solange nicole

    You are all wave particles when I close my eyes. I am no more entranced by your entanglement than a ????erfly is to a bee.– Solange nicole