Top Before Quotes

  • So distracting, so complete is she that she is gone before many realize that she had no escort, she was along, a parade of one. – Jerry Spinelli

    So distracting, so complete is she that she is gone before many realize that she had no escort, she was along, a parade of one.– Jerry Spinelli

  • So distracting, so complete is she that she is gone before many realize that she had no escort, she was alone, a parade of one. – Jerry Spinelli

    So distracting, so complete is she that she is gone before many realize that she had no escort, she was alone, a parade of one.– Jerry Spinelli

  • Wise people are only wise because they have lived many lives before. – Leydi Morfa

    Wise people are only wise because they have lived many lives before.– Leydi Morfa

  • Don’t let sex make you a mother before love makes you a wife. – Kemi Edonmi

    Don’t let sex make you a mother before love makes you a wife.– Kemi Edonmi

  • Many people die long before their departure date, Through ignorance of living a life they never wanted to be apart of but are to scared to change. – Nikki Rowe

    Many people die long before their departure date, Through ignorance of living a life they never wanted to be apart of but are to scared to change.– Nikki Rowe

  • It’s the deep breath before the plunge. – JRR Tolkien

    It’s the deep breath before the plunge.– JRR Tolkien

  • It is wise to consider a matter carefully before jumping in carelessly. – Nabil N Jamal

    It is wise to consider a matter carefully before jumping in carelessly.– Nabil N Jamal

  • Behavior speaks-¦ Before you even open your mouth, your actions have told me who you are and what you’re about. – Steve Maraboli

    Behavior speaks-¦ Before you even open your mouth, your actions have told me who you are and what you’re about.– Steve Maraboli

  • Lord Chi Wen thought three times before taking any action. When the Master heard this, he said: Twice is plenty enough. – Confucius

    Lord Chi Wen thought three times before taking any action. When the Master heard this, he said: Twice is plenty enough.– Confucius

  • Before there was any water there were tides of fire, both our tones flow from the older fountain. – Robinson Jeffers

    Before there was any water there were tides of fire, both our tones flow from the older fountain.– Robinson Jeffers