Top Belle Quotes

  • Eternal snows are at the top. Eyes of beautiful are at the top. (Neiges éternelles sont au sommet. – Yeux de la belle sont au sommet.) – Charles de Leusse

    Eternal snows are at the top. Eyes of beautiful are at the top. (Neiges ̩ternelles sont au sommet. РYeux de la belle sont au sommet.)РCharles de Leusse

  • She was destroyed many years ago, La Belle, on the cobblestones of the alley beside the opera house … – Anne Rouen

    She was destroyed many years ago, La Belle, on the cobblestones of the alley beside the opera house …– Anne Rouen

  • How southern belle of her. – Kelly Moran

    How southern belle of her.– Kelly Moran

  • If you never leave me, I won’t eat your stuff. – Belle, Dog Only Knows – Terry Kaye

    If you never leave me, I won’t eat your stuff. – Belle, Dog Only Knows– Terry Kaye

  • Truth or dare…truth ain’t fair. Marshal Robert Quantrell – Belle Starr: Dead Man’s Hand (work in progress) – Belinda McBride

    Truth or dare…truth ain’t fair. Marshal Robert Quantrell – Belle Starr: Dead Man’s Hand (work in progress)– Belinda McBride

  • How can you read this? There’s no pictures!- -œWell, some people use their imagination.- -“ Gaston & Belle – Walt Disney Company

    How can you read this? There’s no pictures!- -œWell, some people use their imagination.- -“ Gaston & Belle– Walt Disney Company

  • You are the belle of the ball tonight.- He said as he moved in closer. -œHow can you be so sinfully beautiful Mrs. Norman? – Barry  Gray

    You are the belle of the ball tonight.- He said as he moved in closer. -œHow can you be so sinfully beautiful Mrs. Norman?– Barry Gray

  • Adora Belle fought back, and to make sure fought back even before she was attacked. – Terry Pratchett

    Adora Belle fought back, and to make sure fought back even before she was attacked.– Terry Pratchett

  • If the Beast gave me a library like he gave to Belle, I’d marry him too. – Aya Ling

    If the Beast gave me a library like he gave to Belle, I’d marry him too.– Aya Ling

  • Everything is beautiful in its own way, ma belle, even if you have to look hard to find it. – Cameron Dokey

    Everything is beautiful in its own way, ma belle, even if you have to look hard to find it.– Cameron Dokey