Top Bias Quotes

  • The human tendency toward confirmatory thinking – all of us are bias to seek information that fits what we already believe. – Valerie Tarico

    The human tendency toward confirmatory thinking – all of us are bias to seek information that fits what we already believe.– Valerie Tarico

  • Confirmation bias is the most effective way to go on living a lie. – Criss Jami

    Confirmation bias is the most effective way to go on living a lie.– Criss Jami

  • Bias rules our minds and causes us to overlook the obvious. From ‘Fillossofee: Messages From a Grandfather’, by Robert Gately – Robert Gately

    Bias rules our minds and causes us to overlook the obvious. From ‘Fillossofee: Messages From a Grandfather’, by Robert Gately– Robert Gately

  • Tragedy cleans the windows of the soul by washing away the bias of our lives in the detergent of pain. – Craig D Lounsbrough

    Tragedy cleans the windows of the soul by washing away the bias of our lives in the detergent of pain.– Craig D Lounsbrough

  • Every exceptional bias against Christianity I find to be evidence for its validity. – Criss Jami

    Every exceptional bias against Christianity I find to be evidence for its validity.– Criss Jami

  • People who write about politics, whether on the left or the right, have a consistent bias: they take politics seriously. – Paul Graham

    People who write about politics, whether on the left or the right, have a consistent bias: they take politics seriously.– Paul Graham

  • Allow your hearts to be driven by principle, not bias. Love, not hate. Unity, not division. The fire of your dreams, not the rain of your sorrows. – Suzy Kassem

    Allow your hearts to be driven by principle, not bias. Love, not hate. Unity, not division. The fire of your dreams, not the rain of your sorrows.– Suzy Kassem

  • Weber,… argues that… personal bias should not preclude the scientific ascertainment of objective historical facts. – Max Weber

    Weber,… argues that… personal bias should not preclude the scientific ascertainment of objective historical facts.– Max Weber