Top Bombarded Quotes

  • As we’re bombarded daily with new ads for pills, diets and ab-doers, we have to protect our wallets and our time. – Dan John

    As we’re bombarded daily with new ads for pills, diets and ab-doers, we have to protect our wallets and our time.– Dan John

  • As Christians we are constantly bombarded with attitudes and values which are contrary to biblical teaching. – Billy Graham

    As Christians we are constantly bombarded with attitudes and values which are contrary to biblical teaching.– Billy Graham

  • He bombarded me with words, of all things, apparently clueless to the fact that the predawn hours rendered me incapable of coherent thought. – Darynda Jones

    He bombarded me with words, of all things, apparently clueless to the fact that the predawn hours rendered me incapable of coherent thought.– Darynda Jones