Top Booksand Quotes

  • She wrote books-”and she was happy. – Veda Bardot

    She wrote books-”and she was happy.– Veda Bardot

  • What people value in their books-”and thus what they count as literature-”really tells you more about them than it does about the book. – Brent Weeks

    What people value in their books-”and thus what they count as literature-”really tells you more about them than it does about the book.– Brent Weeks

  • Somewhere there must be women reading books,and talking of chicken rissoles to their cooks -¦(from,-˜Somewhere in England’) – Virginia Graham

    Somewhere there must be women reading books,and talking of chicken rissoles to their cooks -¦(from,-˜Somewhere in England’)– Virginia Graham