Top Cannot Quotes
People who say it cannot be done should have an encounter with God. Through God all things are possible.– Prophetess Dina Rolle
She began to realize some decisions cannot be undone no matter how hard you try.– Travis Luedke
It hurts so bad that I cannot save him, protect him, keep him out of harm’s way, shield him from pain. What good are fathers if not for these things?– Thomas Lynch
When we are forced to endure what we cannot endure, something breaks inside our minds. That broken-mindedness is commonly called trauma.– John A Macdougall
When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.– Winston S Churchill
You can walk into your room after walking out through the door, but you cannot come out of your grave after being buried into the soil.– Michael Bassey Johnson
I cannot pretend I am without fear. But my predominant feeling is one of gratitude.– Oliver Sacks
Lasting change cannot occur without transformation of the heart.– Nathan W Morris
You can inform the people you love of what you want for them but you cannot transform them into living it out.– Dr Ronn Elmore
The approval of a cat cannot but flatter the recipient.– Elizabeth Peters