Top Celery Quotes

  • I felt ridiculously self-conscious, like the stick of celery at a luxurious buffet. – Fran Macilvey

    I felt ridiculously self-conscious, like the stick of celery at a luxurious buffet.– Fran Macilvey

  • Never miss a party…good for the nerves–like celery. – F Scott Fitzgerald

    Never miss a party…good for the nerves–like celery.– F Scott Fitzgerald

  • Never miss a party…good for the nerves–like celery.– F Scott Fitzgerald

  • My parents had drinks and there were crudités for us- although they were not called crudités at the time, they were called carrots and celery. – Nora Ephron

    My parents had drinks and there were crudit̩s for us- although they were not called crudit̩s at the time, they were called carrots and celery.РNora Ephron

  • If God had created celery, it would only have two stalks, because that’s the most that almost any recipe ever calls for. – skint foodie

    If God had created celery, it would only have two stalks, because that’s the most that almost any recipe ever calls for.– skint foodie

  • The thought of two thousand people crunching celery at the same time horrified me. – George Bernard Shaw

    The thought of two thousand people crunching celery at the same time horrified me.– George Bernard Shaw

  • If she doesn’t want to go down on you, try improving the taste of your semen by eating watermelon, celery, her ????y. – Matt Fraction

    If she doesn’t want to go down on you, try improving the taste of your semen by eating watermelon, celery, her ????y.– Matt Fraction