Top Characters Quotes

  • Being a writer means you get to live vicariously through your characters – Lisa MarblyWarir

    Being a writer means you get to live vicariously through your characters– Lisa MarblyWarir

  • Writers are like actors too. For every story we create, we must get under the skin of the characters and role play with our writing. – Jyoti Arora

    Writers are like actors too. For every story we create, we must get under the skin of the characters and role play with our writing.– Jyoti Arora

  • Me to characters: talk to me people. – Buffy Andrews

    Me to characters: talk to me people.– Buffy Andrews

  • Some of the best characters are the most flawed characters. – Brian A McBride

    Some of the best characters are the most flawed characters.– Brian A McBride

  • Two characters and sexy banter do not a book make, damn it. – Sherry Thomas

    Two characters and sexy banter do not a book make, damn it.– Sherry Thomas

  • Writing complex characters is the penultimate exercise in empathy. – Kevin Focke

    Writing complex characters is the penultimate exercise in empathy.– Kevin Focke

  • I miss the days when I was alone with my characters and no one else knew them except me. – Lian Hearn

    I miss the days when I was alone with my characters and no one else knew them except me.– Lian Hearn

  • I’m really just playing when I write. I feel like I’m a kid again. I want my characters to do and say things like when I played with dolls! – Lori Lesko

    I’m really just playing when I write. I feel like I’m a kid again. I want my characters to do and say things like when I played with dolls!– Lori Lesko

  • The worst part of writing is meeting all these great new characters and having no one to talk about (the adventures you share with) them. – Claudia Bakker

    The worst part of writing is meeting all these great new characters and having no one to talk about (the adventures you share with) them.– Claudia Bakker

  • You haven’t seen yourself until you look through the eyes of your characters. – Tanela Hicks

    You haven’t seen yourself until you look through the eyes of your characters.– Tanela Hicks