Top Choir Quotes

  • One can slide between poor and rich, the difference as slight as between paper and parchment, one voice and a choir, arms hanging by sides and a hug. – Jeannine Atkins

    One can slide between poor and rich, the difference as slight as between paper and parchment, one voice and a choir, arms hanging by sides and a hug.– Jeannine Atkins

  • Miranda waited. No voice spoke. No heavenly choir broke out in song. God Himself did not call her name. She frowned. Typical. – LA Kuehlke

    Miranda waited. No voice spoke. No heavenly choir broke out in song. God Himself did not call her name. She frowned. Typical.– LA Kuehlke

  • Earlier today I had sex with a monkey and then roasted and ate it with a glass of choir boys’ piss. I like to get in the mood. – Peter Milligan

    Earlier today I had sex with a monkey and then roasted and ate it with a glass of choir boys’ piss. I like to get in the mood.– Peter Milligan

  • Each of you are a voice. Together we are a choir, a powerful choir of change that circles the globe with love. – Lynda Cheldelin Fell

    Each of you are a voice. Together we are a choir, a powerful choir of change that circles the globe with love.– Lynda Cheldelin Fell