Top Civilizations Quotes

  • Black holes are the last vestige of civilizations obsessed with tinkering. – Kane Freeman

    Black holes are the last vestige of civilizations obsessed with tinkering.– Kane Freeman

  • The map showed human places I’d never heard of – places that had once been great civilizations, until humans forgot the world wasn’t theirs to claim. – Anne Bishop

    The map showed human places I’d never heard of – places that had once been great civilizations, until humans forgot the world wasn’t theirs to claim.– Anne Bishop

  • Old Age homes are civilization’s dumpsites for human beings who it cannot exploit further. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    Old Age homes are civilization’s dumpsites for human beings who it cannot exploit further.– Mokokoma Mokhonoana

  • Nature is relic of pre-human civilizations. – Toba Beta

    Nature is relic of pre-human civilizations.– Toba Beta

  • America’s mission is to join the most ancient civilizations with the most modern. John Augustus Roeblin – HW Brands

    America’s mission is to join the most ancient civilizations with the most modern. John Augustus Roeblin– HW Brands

  • America’s civilization perturbs the trajectories of all other civilizations just by existing. – Walter A McDougall

    America’s civilization perturbs the trajectories of all other civilizations just by existing.– Walter A McDougall

  • Of all the world’s civilizations, America was the one that most needed losers. – Stphane Audeguy

    Of all the world’s civilizations, America was the one that most needed losers.– Stphane Audeguy

  • All civilizations have needed a stable basis of short term value. – Jay Weiser

    All civilizations have needed a stable basis of short term value.– Jay Weiser

  • Travel, leave everything, copy the birds. The home is one of civilization’s sadnesses. – Gustave Flaubert

    Travel, leave everything, copy the birds. The home is one of civilization’s sadnesses.– Gustave Flaubert

  • He’d watched the world change around him, civilizations rise and fall, and although he could have anything, anyone, he wanted her. – Lisa Kessler

    He’d watched the world change around him, civilizations rise and fall, and although he could have anything, anyone, he wanted her.– Lisa Kessler