Top Clues Quotes

  • We live in the shadows of perception. Our dull awareness gives us no useful clues as to why we are here. – RADelmonico

    We live in the shadows of perception. Our dull awareness gives us no useful clues as to why we are here.– RADelmonico

  • His attitude to physical clues was rather like that of the modern Christian to miracles. They could happen, but probably not just at the moment. – Reginald Hill

    His attitude to physical clues was rather like that of the modern Christian to miracles. They could happen, but probably not just at the moment.– Reginald Hill

  • Always remember, success leaves clues. – John Patrick Hickey

    Always remember, success leaves clues.– John Patrick Hickey

  • No one knows the future, but the present offers clues and hints on its direction. – Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

    No one knows the future, but the present offers clues and hints on its direction.– Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

  • All the clues are there in front of us,hidden under a veil,we cannot get the clue by searching for,we have to search for the veil instead. – Arkopaul Das

    All the clues are there in front of us,hidden under a veil,we cannot get the clue by searching for,we have to search for the veil instead.– Arkopaul Das

  • Words do have purpose; they are essential clues in determining actions, or lack thereof. – TF Hodge

    Words do have purpose; they are essential clues in determining actions, or lack thereof.– TF Hodge

  • Leaders don’t venture without vision. They don’t pray without plans. They don’t climb without clues. They are always prepared. – Israelmore Ayivor

    Leaders don’t venture without vision. They don’t pray without plans. They don’t climb without clues. They are always prepared.– Israelmore Ayivor

  • For aspirants upon the spiritual path, each manifestation provides clues as to what needs to be released or cleared in order to continue to ascend. – Stephen Richards

    For aspirants upon the spiritual path, each manifestation provides clues as to what needs to be released or cleared in order to continue to ascend.– Stephen Richards

  • ….her life would be a giddy crossword, working down from some clues and across from others. – Leif Enger

    ….her life would be a giddy crossword, working down from some clues and across from others.– Leif Enger