Top Commands Quotes
Blessing come to you when you are obedient to God’s commands.– Jim George
The world commands our desire for purity but bids that we not be too precise about it.– Charles Haddon Spurgeon
A man who wills commands something within himself that renders obedience, or that he believes renders obedience.– Friedrich Nietzsche
Freedom cannot recognize as law the commands and doctrines of other human beings.– Joseph BH McMillan
When something becomes so important to you that it drives your behavior and commands your emotions, you are worshipping it.– JD Greear
So many commands in the Bible require obedience without us experiencing any conviction to obey them. That is when our faith is truly tested.– Alan de Jager
Ira furor brevis est: animum rege: qui nisi paret imperat.(Anger is a brief madness: govern your mind [temper], for unless it obeys it commands.)– Horace
A Bombshell commands attention for her business with a strong culture, consistent branding, and simple, no-to-low cost marketing.– Amber Hurdle
Yes, the same God who created all the universes created you as a one-of-a-kind. He knows you and loves you and commands you to love yourself.– Toni Sorenson