Top Committing Quotes

  • Committing your thoughts and feelings to words is like putting your soul on a plate and hoping the diners will like what they eat. – Fennel Hudson

    Committing your thoughts and feelings to words is like putting your soul on a plate and hoping the diners will like what they eat.– Fennel Hudson

  • Truly being authentic is knowing what matters to you, on the deepest level of who you are, and committing always to act from that authentic center. – Richie Norton

    Truly being authentic is knowing what matters to you, on the deepest level of who you are, and committing always to act from that authentic center.– Richie Norton

  • The act of committing yourself to the Lord daily allows Him to guide you. – Elizabeth George

    The act of committing yourself to the Lord daily allows Him to guide you.– Elizabeth George

  • Our purpose is to find out whether innocence, the moment it becomes involved in an action, can avoid committing murder. – Albert Camus

    Our purpose is to find out whether innocence, the moment it becomes involved in an action, can avoid committing murder.– Albert Camus

  • People who lost their mother should be careful about committing crime, because probably no one else is praying to save you. – Amit Kalantri

    People who lost their mother should be careful about committing crime, because probably no one else is praying to save you.– Amit Kalantri

  • I’m afraid of committing myself,- she thought to herself. She wanted to follow all possible paths and so ended up following none. – Paulo Coelho

    I’m afraid of committing myself,- she thought to herself. She wanted to follow all possible paths and so ended up following none.– Paulo Coelho

  • If you witness evil men committing evil deeds and do nothing, what does that make you? – KL Toth

    If you witness evil men committing evil deeds and do nothing, what does that make you?– KL Toth

  • Allah-U-Akbar (God is great) is the most frightening word, because it always reminds me that someone is committing crime;specifically murder. – MF Moonzajer

    Allah-U-Akbar (God is great) is the most frightening word, because it always reminds me that someone is committing crime;specifically murder.– MF Moonzajer

  • Saying of the ProphetAccusationsAnyone reviling a brother for a sin will not himself die before committing it. – Idries Shah

    Saying of the ProphetAccusationsAnyone reviling a brother for a sin will not himself die before committing it.– Idries Shah

  • Watch the too indignantly righteous. Before long you will find them committing or condoning the very offence which they have so fiercely censured. – Sri Aurobindo

    Watch the too indignantly righteous. Before long you will find them committing or condoning the very offence which they have so fiercely censured.– Sri Aurobindo